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Friday 17th January 2025

New Y2 spellings: Words ending in: -al/-il
Please practise the following words:
total, arrival, local, royal, hospital
pupil, devil, evil, April, lentil
Y2 Common Exception words: father, past*, fast*, last*
Contraction: wasn't/isn't
Please read daily with your adult and log it on Boom Reader.
You can read your 'Why do stars twinkle?' book, your banded book or a book from home. 
Please practice Numbots 30 minutes weekly.
You can also practise your 2, 5 and 10x tables on Topmarks - Hit the Button Game

We've had another busy week this week in year two and enjoyed lots of our learning.

The children have enjoyed learning lots of new skills in PE this week, in netball we have been practising three different passes - the chest pass, the shoulder pass and the bounce pass. The children have been developing their accuracy and we will be putting these into practise next week when we look at passing and moving to get the ball around the court.

We have had fun introducing the concept of division in our Maths learning. The children have learnt about arrays and making equal groups to divide numbers accurately.

In RE we have learnt about the story of the Crying Camel and been introduced to Bismallah in our topic of Islam, and have found out that Allah teaches Muslims to show compassion to everyone we meet, no matter who they are and how big or small they may be.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 2 Team



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