Friday 14th February 2025

Please continue to consolidate the spellings we have been learning throughout the half term.
words starting with 'wh' making the 'w' sound - whistle, whale, whine.
words starting with 'wr' making the 'r' sound - wrist, wrong, wrinkle.
words with split digraph endings - cake, theme, bike, phone, tune.
adding suffixes to split digraph words (bake - baking) - drop the 'e' add the suffix.
words ending in -le: table, stable, apple
words ending in -el: level, label,
words ending in -il: until, evil, devil
words ending in -al: mental, royal, arrival
adding suffixes to words ending in -y:
happy - happier - happiest
cry - cries - cried
adding endings to single syllable words ending in a vowel/consonant:
pat - patted, fun - funny, spot - spotting.
Y2 Common Exception words: revise all Y2 common exception words.
Please read daily with your adult and log it on Boom Reader.
You can read your 'The Dreams of Moxie Mouse and Cat Capone' book, your banded book or a book from home. We will be changing your books on the first Monday back after half term, and your child will receive their new shared reading book 'An Invitation to a Party'.
Please practice Numbots 40 minutes weekly.
You can also practise your 2, 5 and 10x tables on Topmarks - Hit the Button Game
The children have been incredibly creative this week, in Art we have finished our final pieces of 'Frottage Collage' in which they drew and painted a water droplet, linked with our Global Learning Goal 'Clean Water and Sanitation'. They then added a range of 'frottage' through the form of rubbings around the classroom and school environment to add tone, tint and texture to their finished droplet.
In DT the children finished their final pieces of their mechanisms, they chose a character from our Class Reader 'The Lonely Beast' and decided whether they wanted to make their character into a Lever, using a pivot, or a slider, using a slot. The children's finished products looked fantastic and they were so proud to share their creations with you all today.
We loved having you all in this afternoon for Koinonia, the children were so excited to share their learning from this half term with you.
Thank you for all of your hard work and support, we look forward to welcoming the children back on the 24th February after a well earned rest.
Take care,
The Year 2 Team.
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