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23.04.21 Blog

Talk homework: Think about what Sir Robert Peel could have done to help Ireland. Share some thought with your adults. 

This week we have had an exciting week, doing lots of different things.

We have done a survey called The Big Ask which asked us about life and our friends.

We have enjoyed planting our plants for the plant sale, hopefully we’ll keep them alive so we can sell them to you.

In RE this week, we have been learning about Noah. We heard the story of Noah and then drew a picture of him, with words around him explaining what type of person he was.

This week we have also enjoyed learning a bit more about the Irish potato famine of 1845. We have also been learning about Irish music and what some traditional Irish musical instruments are. Some of these are; fiddle, wooden flue, tin whistle, banjo and harp are just some of them.

We have started learning about angles in Maths. Today we learnt the names of some angles; obtuse angles, right angles and acute angles.

With Miss Lizell we have been doing athletics. This week we learnt how to do a shuttle race.

Have a great weekend,

Rachel Carson