Friday 14th May
Talk homework: What time did you go to bed? What time did you get up? How long were you asleep?
We have had a brilliant week. Dylan has enjoyed maths because he loves his arithmetic. He can now calculate fractions of an amount. George has enjoyed maths this week too. George has really tried hard to learn all about fractions. Reenie has been very creative in English lessons when she has invented a new way of transporting Zeraffa across France. Claire particularly loved going to the allotment, where she worked really hard to prepare the year 2 plot ready to start planting. Imogen has found it to be very interesting to watch our beans grow. Kara loved PE on Monday because we are learning to dance and choreographed a dance motif to show how an animal moves. On Wednesday in PE Thomas learnt how to jump a really long way! Beau is enjoying the challenge of learning some difficult spelling rules!
Have a great weekend
Sessions Class.