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Religious Education and World Views

A Church school’s distinctive Christian ethos is not an accident, it is something which is grown, shared and worked at. The three core New Testament values which underpin our school ethos are agape (Christian love), courage and thankfulness. 

Religious Education in a Church Aided School has a unique position in the curriculum.  It is a means for helping children explore the spiritual dimensions of life and to lay the foundations for understanding of the Christian Faith.  It is an integral part of school life and is developed throughout the curriculum.  It is generic to the ethos of the school.

We maintain strong links with St Marys Church and the local community.  We welcome the contribution that visitors to lead Daily Worship make towards enriching religious education in our school.

The challenges that children will meet growing up in a multi-cultural, multi-faith society will be addressed through planned units of work. These are organised in accordance with Diocesan recommendations and will enable children to develop their knowledge, understanding and respect for the traditions and culture of the other major world faiths.

The teaching of Religious Education in a Primary School must take into account the age and understanding of the child and whenever possible be closely related to their first hand experiences.

To that end, we particularly welcome and encourage both visits to different religious buildings and visitors from different faiths into the classroom.

Our Religious Education and World Views Governor is Fr. David Shepherd 

You have a right to withdraw your child from religious education and world views to exercise this right contact our Head teacher Michelle Heather