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Mind Up

As a schools we strongly believe in ensuring that the whole child is catered for in the provision that they receive. We are proud to be working in partnership with The Hawn Foundation to have the the opportunity to present MindUP™ our evidence based, CASEL accredited SEL and Positive Education Curriculum. Our goal is to help children thrive in learning and in life, by providing a framework teaching vital and valuable SEL skills that will enhance their resilience for a lifetime.

We are committed to working with the foundation to ensure that our teachers, supporting professional staff and administrators are trained and supported in the MindUP™ framework so that every child in your school will have the opportunity to:

  • Understand how their brains work and how their brains influence thinking and behaviour;
  • Increase self-regulatory and self-management skills for greater concentration and focus;
  • Learn practices to reduce stress, calming their bodies and preparing their minds to learn;
  • Practice pro-social skills like perspective taking, optimism and gratitude that will help them build better relationships with themselves and others.

Research shows that children using MindUP™ are less disruptive and are better engaged in learning — building personal resiliency and contributing more positively to the overall classroom and school culture. This is in turn will help them in their lives as they get older.