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School Parliament

Safer School Programme –School Lane traffic closure


Dear Parents/Carers of Buckden school pupils

The Parish Council has planned a safer schools programme, aimed at improving road safety for us and improving air quality.

This will be tried out after half-term (from Monday 7th June 2021), and means that School Lane will be closed to traffic from Mill Road to the junction with Greenway at certain times. These times are: 8:15am-9:15am and 2:45pm-3:30pm.

This should make it safer for us arriving and leaving school, and reduce emissions and so make the air less dirty. Children who live in the village are encouraged to walk or cycle to school. People who need to drive can park in the Millennium car park at the village hall and walk from there, using the zebra crossing.

We hope that you agree that this is a good idea that will help improve our environment.

Thank you for your help with this plan. For further information, please head to:


Buckden School Parliament