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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Year 5

October 2023

  • Year 5 blog

    Published 20/10/23, by Melanie Anderson

    Week beg: 16.10.23

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  • Week beg 9th Oct

    Published 14/10/23, by Caroline Schmidt

    Talk Homework: Tell your adult what you know about the Mexican education system and how it is different from the UK.

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  • Year 5 Spellings

    Published 09/10/23, by Melanie Anderson

    Week beg: 09.10.23

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  • Year 5 Blog

    Published 06/10/23, by Melanie Anderson

    Week beg: 02.10.23

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