19.4.24 Blog
Spelling - RULES /or/ phoneme spelt ‘a’ before ‘l’ and ‘ll’ (e.g. fall/ball, talk/walk) AND /u/ phoneme spelt ‘o’ (e.g. other/mother) /o/ phoneme spelt ‘a’ (e.g. want/wash) HOMOPHONES sun/son AND there/their/they’re
Reading - Read daily and record this on Boom Reader
Maths - Use numbots for 3 x 15minute sessions.
Sophie - I've enjoyed maths when we've been learning about how to tell different times.
Dexter - I've enjoyed art because we've been practising sketching from Victorian times.
Eloise - I've enjoyed history because we've been learning about workhouses.
Delilah - I've enjoyed PE when we've been doing Gymnastics.
Hayley - I've enjoyed PE when we were throwing 2kg across the field and marking it with a cone.
Louie - I enjoyed English when we were doing our fact files about giraffes.
Ethan - I've been enjoying singing because we've been of our songs.
Jonathan - I've enjoyed maths, telling the time.
Jack - I've enjoyed science where we've been learning about plants.
Alfie B - I've enjoyed English where we've been making fact files.
Ruby - I've enjoyed computing where we were researching about giraffes.