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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


Talk homework:  Tell your friends and family about your giraffe facts.

Spellings: subtropical, subdivide, subheading, substandard, subtitle, submarine, subject, subway. submerge, subtropical, submit.

TT Rockstars - tournament scores   Joplin 971,    Williams 841

Reading: remember to read 15 minutes in readiness to complete AR quiz at school.  If you are not getting full marks in your quizzes, try reading out loud and slower. 

On Friday, we enjoyed our first non-uniform day with all contributions going to the painting of our Mini-G (giraffe calf) project.

In Maths, we have been learning about number lines and how to order numbers up to 10,000 within them.

In English, we have completed a great fact file about giraffes.

We are combining the skills we have learnt in netball to begin playing games on the court and on the field.