Week beg 9th Oct
Talk Homework: Tell your adult what you know about the Mexican education system and how it is different from the UK.
Year 5 has had a busy week. We've edited our scripts, and we're in the process of finishing our class text. In Science, we've learnt about space - specifically exploring how and why we know the Earth and other planets are approximate spherical bodies – they've impressed us with their increasing knowledge. In Maths, we've begun reviewing efficient mental strategies as well as column addition of up to four digits. They've also finished their college in art and will be evaluating their outcomes next week.
In computing, Year 5 has continued to explore Crumble coding and next week we've asked them all to bring in cardboard (e.g. cereal boxes) in case we have time to build and code fairground rides.
Next Wednesday morning is interhouse Rugby with Year 6 and if, your child has volunteered for the team, please ensure they have their PE kit in school for the event.
Please remember to practise your spellings for Monday and to read regularly so you can take an AR quiz before the end of term.
Enjoy your weekend
Mrs Schmidt and Mrs Anderson