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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Week beg 3 June

Please remember to practise spellings and TTRockstars as well as your homework sheets for Monday.

It's been a good first week back and an introduction to a very busy upcoming half-term. We've begun our Global Learning unit on Responsible Consumption, which links with our History learning about WW2 rationing as well as 'fast fashion' and the cotton trade in Geography. In DT and Art, we will be making our own cotton tote bag with Batik designs. In the coming weeks, we will ask children to bring into school an old t-shirt to cut up in order to construct their tote bag please. 

In Maths, we've begun to look at the translation of shapes and, in English, we're beginning to plan a narrative continuation to our text: When the Sky Falls

Next week, we will have circus skills on Wednesday afternoon and double PE on Thursday (once the Big Top has been taken down) so that we can continue to prep our skills for Sports Day. Please ensure you have your PE kit in school. 

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Schmidt and Mrs Anderson