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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Welcome to Year 5

It's been a busy two days in Year 5!

We'd like to say how fantastic it's been getting to know your children better over the last two days - we've been really impressed by their resilience and enthusiasm for learning. We've introduced them to our Autumn 1 Sustainable Development Goal today 'Quality Education' after a discussion about why education is important, how it helps to build understanding and tolerance of differences, and how even basic education is a privilege that not all children have access to. We will be looking at the barriers to education in different cultures and countries further over the coming weeks, which will link together our geography and art learning. 

In Maths, we recapped Roman Numerals and began our next unit of learning on place value (up to one million). In English, we've focused on the use of capital letters in our writing and will be beginning our new text next week. 

Pupils received their homework yesterday, and it's due in on Thursday next week please (we've been very impressed by those children who returned it the very next morning). In addition to the SPAG and Maths homework, Year 5 also has 30 minutes of TTRockstars to complete and reading to an adult x3 a week please. 

New weekly spellings will be given on Monday, for a quiz the following Monday, and these should also be practised at home please. 

Homework: Thursday - Thursday

Spellings: Monday - Monday

PE days: Tuesday and Wednesday


Have a wonderful weekend. 

Mrs Schmidt and Miss Conlong