18th October 2024
Linked to our Understanding of the World and RE learning this term, could you talk at home about why you chose the name you selected for your child.
Also, read at least 3 times a week and record on Boom reader and also complete some Numbots with your child.
As you can see in the photograph above, this week we have been learning how to subitise to 3. We were deciding if images contained 3 or not 3 of the objects. We then used the conkers in our continuous provision to scatter them and find groups we could subitise then use 5 frames to find the total.
In phonics, we have revised all the sounds taught to date s a t p i n m d g o c k ck and read the text Sam and Ted. The children are beginning to find more confidence in the phoneme/ grapheme correspondance and are so much quicker to orally blend.
In RE, we read the story, 'The Precious Pearl' and talked about how God is precious to Christians and how we must always use his name kindly. This has led us to wonder why you were given the Christian name you have hence this weeks home task to talk about name choices with your child.
In English, we have read the non fiction text, 'Houses and Homes' which has images of all different types of accomodation including house boats, teepee's and even houses on stilts by the river in India. We talked all about the similarities and differences and material choices and then we created our own building plans with labels.