6th December 2024
Homework- Read at least 3 times a week and record on Boom reader please.
Complete some time on Numbots. Practise lines for the Nativity, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.
This week we rehearsed our nativity, The Sleepy Shepherd, and began making decorations to use on the set.
It's been a consolidation week in Phonics and we did our half-termly assessment to see how they are progressing.
In maths, we used the stem sentence Who has more? and Who has fewer? to compare amounts.
In writing, we were thinking about our nativity and we read Nick Butterworth's book The Nativity Play. We used a picture of the cover to label the characters in the Nativity. The children are very confident with the different characters! We used a widget sheet to help the children match the picture to the words, so they were able to work more independently.
We have sent home a rota for Three Minute Talks. Three Minute Talks used to be called Show and Tell. We're asking the children to share something about a celebration they enjoy.
Have a lovely weekend!