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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 14th February 2024

Please keep up your Boom Reader records 

Please ensure that you use TT Rockstars over the holiday to help with maths at school. 

Happy Holidays!

This week has been action packed for Year 3.

We visited Hunstanton Sea Life Centre on Tuesday. Kayson’s favourite animals were the eel and the giant turtle. We had a practical session on plastic pollution, and we discussed how it affects sea life. When we returned to school, we thought about ways in which we could change our habits to reduce, reuse and recycle.

In Science, we learnt about muscles. The children took part in a practical workshop using rubber bands to understand how the muscles work. They discovered that there are over 600 muscles in your body, from those in your toes to your tongue!

It was great to see you all at Koinonia. It was an excellent time to celebrate the children’s hard work over the past half-term. We wish the children a wonderful break.