This week pupils began their lino cutting for their Christmas cards, wrote a fact file about coal mining during the Industrial Revolution and continued to develop their learning about equivalent fractions. They've begun to research and develop ideas for their DT project on Wednesday and enjoyed watching the Reception's Nativity on Friday.
New Reading Records
Your child will have brought home a Reading Record this week. This is to be used by themselves, you as parents/carers, and teaching staff in school. Please encourage them to record daily reading sessions at home, and then add your initials to confirm that they have done this. We expect all children to read every day at home in addition to any reading they do in school. Your support with this is vital to embed good routines for your children, and it is widely known that those children reading regularly at home experience accelerated progress in all areas of their schooling. It is the children's responsibility to look after this book and bring it to school each day along with their reading book. Thank you for your support.
DT Projects
Please gather cardboard, elastic bands and other junk modelling items ready for Wednesday.
On Thursday, there will be a football interhouse competition. Please encourage your child to sign up to participate and ensure they have warm PE kit.