Science Week
We have had an amazing week of science.
On Monday we were asked to build a self-propelled boat to transport a family of marbles to the other side of a 1.5m paddling pool. We worked in teams to focus on our teamwork and stickers were rewarded if we showed good team-working skills.
On Wednesday we tried to build a tower from spaghetti and a marshmallow, this was a challenge for the whole school. We found the challenge hard until we shortened the lengths of spaghetti, then we were more successful.
We had a special Guess the Scientist assembly on Thursday and this was fun. Number 1 made medicine, number 2 was a vet, number 3 was a nurse and number was a scientist who worked on Cancer research and DNA.
Today we are testing our boats, at the moment we are not confident. We would need to evaluate this design to improve it for future use.
Have a good weekend from Felix and Albert.