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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Jane Goodall



For World Book Day Reception have learned and performed a poem. 

We hope you enjoy it.

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  • Friday 19th March

    Published 19/03/21, by Admin

    Daily Reading

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  • Friday 12th March 2021

    Published 12/03/21, by Kate Woodward

    Talk homework- Chat about people in the community who are real lift super heroes- eg. emergency services staff and community workers.

    Daily Reading

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  • Friday 26th February 2021

    Published 26/02/21, by Admin

    PE kits on Monday

    Daily reading

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  • Friday 12th February 2021

    Published 12/02/21, by Admin

    Last week before Half Term

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  • Friday 5th February 2021

    Published 09/02/21, by Admin

    Please wear PE kits on Monday

    Daily reading

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  • Friday 29th January 2021

    Published 29/01/21, by Admin

    Daily Reading

    Remember PE kits for Monday

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  • Friday 22nd January 2021

    Published 23/01/21, by Admin

    PE kits on Monday please 

    Daily reading

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  • Friday 15th January 2021

    Published 15/01/21, by Admin

    Daily reading

    PE kits for Monday

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  • Friday 8th January 2021

    Published 08/01/21, by Admin

    PE is on Monday's

    Daily reading

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  • Home learning timetable for lockdown from January 7th 2021

    Published 05/01/21, by Kate Woodward
    Please log in to Microsoft Teams using the details in your child's reading diary cover. Live lessons will be recorded so you can watch at a later time more suited to you if needed. Work can be submitted via Teams or through the email address eyfs
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  • Spring Term Week 1 Homelearning

    Published 03/01/21, by Kate Woodward

    Home learning timetable

    This may help you to structure your day. It emulates what we would be doing in school and how long to spend on things. Hope it helps. We will be adding printable resources to our blog daily to support your home learning. These are optional extras as appreciate not everyone has a printer- (I have 2 but never any ink!)


    Active start- child chosen toy, game, activity


    Physical activity- dough disco try Miss Sparkle dough disco in YouTube for videos or Boogie Beebies- Comstock class have started to learn ‘Hey Monkey’ or Cosmic Kids yoga for something calmer.




    Follow up activity phonics


    Snack- watch a Numberblocks or Alphablocks video while you enjoy a healthy snack and a drink.




    Follow up activity maths focus


    Child chosen play indoors or in garden or one of the suggested additional tasks for the day


    Lunchtime and active play


    Topic activity


    Independent learning through play- could be linked to theme of Once Upon a Time


    Sharing stories




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  • Friday 4th December

    Published 04/12/20, by Admin

    Daily Reading

    Learn your lines

    Bring in you costumes

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