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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


Page 2

  • 27.05.22

    Published 27/05/22, by Admin

    Homework –

    Spellings – No spelling due to half term.


    Talk homework

    Talk about the Queens jubilee.

    Abacus - The children can access this resource via the website and complete one game as their Mathematics homework. 

    The children have their own log in details, these can be found in their reading diaries. The school code is kmm7 in the bottom box.


    Please see the letter regarding reading expectations in the front of your child’s reading diary. Please ensure your child has their reading folder in school every day. The children will bring home a weekly reading for pleasure book, as well as their reading book. This is to share together and promote a love for reading.


    The Phonics screening test is the week we return to school, please practice reading, writing and sound buttons on your real and nonsense words.

    During our Global learning lesson, we have found out about where food comes from.

    In Mathematics, we have used our number knowledge to share objects into equal groups.

    Within Science, we have identified differences and similarities in plants.

    In RE we finished our topic by celebrating the church and the community it brings.

    “I have enjoyed PE this week” (Ava).

    “I have enjoyed doing the play” (Edmund).

    “I have enjoyed my walk” (Matilda. B).

    “I liked play with my friends” (Owen).


    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year One Team –

    Have a safe and happy weekend.

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  • 20.05.22

    Published 20/05/22, by Admin

    Talk homework - discuss the celebration that are coming up for our Queen and why.

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  • 13.05.22

    Published 11/05/22, by Admin

    Homework –

    Spellings – Long vowel sound /e/ spelt ee.  The letters ‘ee’ make a long vowel sound like in the word see.  This is a common way of spelling the sound and is found in the middle of words and sometimes at the end.

    green, free, sheet, tree, feel


    Talk homework

    Test your double facts to help with your Mathematical learning.

    Abacus - The children can access this resource via the website and complete one game as their Mathematics homework. 

    The children have their own log in details, these can be found in their reading diaries. The school code is kmm7 in the bottom box.


    Please see the letter regarding reading expectations in the front of your child’s reading diary. Please ensure your child has their reading folder in school every day. The children will bring home a weekly reading for pleasure book, as well as their reading book. This is to share together and promote a love for reading.


    Practice reading, writing and sound buttons on your real and nonsense words.

    During our Global learning lesson, we have developed our Computing skills by using swiggle search engine, to import a picture of Buckden in the past and present day into a Word document.

    In Mathematics, we have used our multiplication knowledge to help us with arrays and doubling.

    Within Science, we explored the school grounds to identify all of the trees that are growing around us.

    During our English lessons, we have found out what the question mark punctuation mark is and how to use it.

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year One Team –

    Have a safe and happy weekend.

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  • 06.05.22

    Published 04/05/22, by Admin

    Spellings – The /ar/ digraph. This digraph may be used at the beginning, middle or end of words.

    (garden, stars, army, dark, park).

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  • 29.04.22

    Published 27/04/22, by Admin

    Please keep up the phonics practice, reading and spellings at home. It really impacts on your child's learning within school. Thank you.

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  • 22.04.22

    Published 20/04/22, by Admin

    Spellings – fresher, quicker, unhappy, hardest, darkest.

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  • 01.04.22

    Published 28/03/22, by Admin

    HAPPY EASTER!!!! A special thank you to Mila's Mummy and the Education team at Sacrewell Farm for bring in a wormery and growing kits.

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  • 25.03.22

    Published 24/03/22, by Admin

    There are no spellings this week due to the Easter holidays.

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  • 18.03.22

    Published 15/03/22, by Admin

    Spellings - This week’s spellings are – flowers, apples, dishes, peaches, clouds

    Your spelling rule - Adding s and es to words (plurals) If the ending sounds like /s/ or /z/, it is spelled as –s. If it forms an extra syllable, then it is spelled as –es.

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  • 11.03.22

    Published 09/03/22, by Admin

    Spellings - This week’s spellings are – very, happy, party, five, family

    Your spelling rule – Some words end with an e sound spelled y. English words hardly ever end with the letter v, so if a word ends with a v sound, the letter e usual.

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  • 04.03.22

    Published 02/03/22, by Admin

    Spellings - This week’s spellings are – catch, hutch, fetch, witch, patch.

    Your spelling rule – tch follows a short vowel.

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  • 25.02.22

    Published 24/02/22, by Admin

    Spellings - (W/C 28.02.22) This week’s spellings are - bank, honk, think, skin, basket.

    Your spelling rule - sound is spelt as k rather than as c before e, i and y.

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