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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


Page 3

  • 08.02.22 Photos of our learning

    Published 08/02/22, by Admin
    FYI - There isn’t any spellings as it is half term next week and we won’t be able to test the children on Monday.
    Kind regards,
    The Year 1 team
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  • Home learning 21.02.22

    Published 07/02/22, by Admin
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  • 04.02.22

    Published 02/02/22, by Admin

    Please bring in your recycling goodies on Tuesday to create a sea creature. Please make sure the children have their PE kits in school everyday.

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  • 28.01.22

    Published 26/01/22, by Admin

    All the children will bring home a phonics pack. Please practice daily, feel free to cut them up and stick them around the house.

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  • 21.01.22

    Published 19/01/22, by Admin

    Talk homework

    Talk about the journey of a raindrop (the water cycle) story from Music.

    Abacus - The children can access this resource via the website and complete one game as their Mathematics homework. 

    The children have their own log in details, these can be found in their reading diaries. The school code is kmm7 in the bottom box.


    Please see the letter regarding reading expectations in the front of your child’s reading diary. Please ensure your child has their reading folder in school everyday.

    In English, we have begun our new text. We haven’t found out what it is called yet. We have however met two character, Anna and Crocodile. We have described both their physical features and their personalities.


    During our Global learning topic, we found out some exciting facts about the United Kingdom. Hopefully the children will be able to share some with you at home.


    Within Science, we classified lots of animals according to their diets and used the Scientific vocabulary Omnivore, Herbivore and Carnivore.


    “I enjoyed PE, doing cat and mouse” (Owen).

    “I’ve enjoyed Phonics and learning new sounds” (Harper).

    “I liked doing Maths” (Ava).

    “I have enjoyed some mindful colouring this week” (Arthur).

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year One Team –

    Have a safe and happy weekend.

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  • 14.01.22

    Published 12/01/22, by Admin

    Talk homework

    Share your facts about Captain James Cook with someone at home.

    Abacus - The children can access this resource via the website and complete one game as their Mathematics homework. 

    The children have their own log in details, these can be found in their reading diaries. The school code is kmm7 in the bottom box.


    Please see the letter regarding reading expectations in the front of your child’s reading diary. Please ensure your child has their reading folder in school everyday.

    Thank you for your support in getting the children changed for PE in school now. It is a life skill that will lead to great independence for the children. Please can you ensure ALL items of clothing are clearly named as the children will then be able to identify their own clothing.

    Within Arithmetic we have been comparing numbers and within Mathematics we have been writing and using numbers to 20.

    In English, we have been on a journey down a river and found lots of things along the way. We have story mapped the text independently and written some fantastic sentences to describe each part.

    During our Global learning topic of ‘Life below water’, we have learnt about Captain James Cook and the voyages he went on. We have written a fact file about him including a map of his journey and a picture of him.

    Within Science, we have identified different types of animals and their features and we then compared different species.

    “I have liked learning about Captain James Cook.” (Mila).

    “I enjoyed doing writing.” (Matilda. M).

    “I liked doing my handwriting.” (Matilda. B).

    “I have enjoyed helping my friends if they are stuck with their writing.” (Tilly).

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year One Team –

    Have a safe and happy weekend.

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  • 07.01.22

    Published 06/01/22, by Admin

    Talk homework

    Talk about how to keep safe online.

    Abacus - The children can access this resource via the website and complete one game as their Mathematics homework. 

    The children have their own log in details, these can be found in their reading diaries. The school code is kmm7 in the bottom box.


    Please see the letter regarding reading expectations in the front of your child’s reading diary. Please ensure your child has their reading folder in school everyday.

    Within Mathematics, we have developed our shape knowledge and can now identify both 2D and 3D shapes with their properties.

    In English, we have learnt about nouns and adjectives and made our own sentences.


    During our PSHE lessons we are learning about keeping safe online.


    In music, we are identifying different types of instruments.


    “I have enjoyeddoing Gymnastics.” (Sebastian).

    “I liked doing shapes in Maths.” (Jimmy).

    “I liked doing the mat work in Gymnastics.” (Finley).

    “I have enjoyed doing the repeating patterns with 2D shapes.” (Ava).

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year One Team –

    Have a safe and happy weekend.

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  • Friday 17th December 2021

    Published 17/12/21, by Admin

    All of the staff in Year 1 (Miss Freeman, Mrs Romaine, Miss Kelly, Mrs Walton and Miss Shad) would like to say a huge thank you for all of the wonderful gifts that you sent in for us, we have been thoroughly spoilt and look forward to using our goodies over the Christmas holidays.

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  • Friday 10th December 2021

    Published 08/12/21, by Admin
    Talk homework Talk to your adults about some of the different materials you would like to/could use to make your own Christmas hat out of. Next week we will be designing and making our very own Christmas hats out of glittery, sparkly, shiny materi
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  • 26.11.21

    Published 26/11/21, by Admin

    Sycamore Class Blog

    Talk homework

    Name different objects around your house, their properties and why are made that way. (A window is made of glass as its transparent so you can see through it).

    Abacus - The children can access this resource via the website and complete one game as their Mathematics homework. 

    The children have their own log in details, these can be found in their reading diaries. The school code is kmm7 in the bottom box.


    Please make sure you read at least three times a week and this is then recorded in the reading record book.

    Within Mathematics, we have used our subitizing skills in our Arithmetic lessons and using our subtraction knowledge to find the missing part.

    In English, we have started our new book, The Jolly Christmas Postman. So far we have story mapped the postman visiting the Three Bears Cottage. We have written some fantastic reason why Baby Bear should or should not forgive Goldilocks.

    During Global learning, we have compared past and present photographs of Buckden Village and noticed lots of changes, as well some photographs being in black and white. We have completed a traffic survey and we found out that cars were the most popular mode of transport in Buckden.

    In Science, we have tested some materials and found out about their properties.

    “I liked doing Phonics, I enjoyed writing.” (Tilly).

    “I have enjoyed doing my spellings.” (Matlida. B).

    “I liked doing my handwriting.” (Archer).

    “I have enjoyed doing Phonics.” (Eden).

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting Mrs Romaine –

    Have a safe and happy weekend.

    Sycamore Class and Mrs Romaine. : )

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  • 19.11.21

    Published 19/11/21, by Admin

    Sycamore Class Blog

    Talk homework

    Name some of the places we visited on our walk and what people might go there for.

    Abacus - The children can access this resource via the website and complete one game as their Mathematics homework. 

    The children have their own log in details, these can be found in their reading diaries. The school code is kmm7 in the bottom box.

    Spellings - On Monday the children will be coming home with 5 new spellings to learn. These will be sent home in a handwriting/spelling book so that they can practise at home daily - we hope this will support them in learning to spell the first 100 high frequency words, as well as practise their cursive handwriting. Please return these every Monday so that we can put new spellings in each week. There will be a spelling menu stuck in the front of this book, to give you some ideas of exciting ways to practise learning your spellings at home.


    Please make sure you read at least three times a week and this is then recorded in the reading record book.

    Thank you for all of your donations for Children in Need, everyone looks fantastic! 

    Within Mathematics, we have ended our topic of addition with some word problems that we all did very well in. We have now moved onto subtraction and we have used the method of crossing out the part that’s taken away.

    In English, we have written a whole class poem about mud that linked with our poetry text ‘Out and about’. We have all written a recount of our walk around the village.

    During Global learning, we had a very exciting walk around the village to find all of the communal areas around Buckden and identified there uses.

    In Science, we have looked at rocks, foil, fabric and glass and looked at the properties of these materials.

    “I liked doing Science and Maths.” (Harry).

    “I have enjoyed Phonics.” (Margot).

    “I have enjoyed doing my spellings.” (Matilda. M).

    “I have like Phoincs.” (Matylda. K).

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting Mrs Romaine –

    Have a safe and happy weekend.

    Sycamore Class and Mrs Romaine.

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  • 12.11.21

    Published 08/11/21, by Admin

    Sycamore Class Blog

    Talk homework

    Recall your number facts to 10 to someone at home.

    Abacus - The children can access this resource via the website and complete one game as their Mathematics homework. 

    The children have their own log in details, these can be found in their reading diaries. The school code is kmm7 in the bottom box.


    Please make sure you read at least three times a week and this is then recorded in the reading record book.

    Within Mathematics, we have had an amazing time outside knocking down ten stacking cups and writing the addition calculations (see the photos).

    In English, we explored sand, water and mud outside and used our speaking and listening skills, discussing our memories of times we have played with these malleable materials. This links to our poems ‘Marlarks, Seaside and Water’ in our poetry book.

    During Global learning we have used our map work skills and identified all of the communal areas of Buckden, like the Village hall and the church.

    In Science, we have identified everyday objects and the materials they are made of. We sorted these into a Venn diagram (please see the photos).

    “I have liked colouring in and doing handwriting practice about Remembrance day.” (Edmund).

    “I liked colouring the poppies too.” (Arthur).

    “I liked knocking down the cups in Maths.” (Jimmy).

    “I have enjoyed doing the tracing.” (Archer).

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting Mrs Romaine –

    Have a safe and happy weekend.

    Sycamore Class and Mrs Romaine.

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