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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


Page 1

  • Summer 1 Home Learning

    Published 20/04/22, by Admin

    If your child is off with Covid please find the home learning below. Do as much or a little as they can manage.

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  • Newsletters

    Published 19/11/21, by Admin
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  • Useful resources

    Published 09/09/21, by Admin
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  • 30.06.22

    Published 30/06/22, by Admin


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  • 29.06.22

    Published 29/06/22, by Admin

    SCIENCE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 28.06.22

    Published 28/06/22, by Admin


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  • 27.06.22

    Published 27/06/22, by Admin


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  • 24.06.22

    Published 22/06/22, by Admin

    Homework –

    Spellings – The long vowel sound /oo/ as in zoo.

    afternoon, food, spoon, tool, soon

    Talk homework

    Talk about what you learnt during your Science experiment this week.

    Abacus - The children can access this resource via the website and complete one game as their Mathematics homework. 

    The children have their own log in details, these can be found in their reading diaries. The school code is kmm7 in the bottom box.


    Please see the letter regarding reading expectations in the front of your child’s reading diary. Please ensure your child has their reading folder in school every day. The children will bring home a weekly reading for pleasure book, as well as their reading book. This is to share together and promote a love for reading.


    Please continue to practise your Phonics at home.

    During our Global learning lesson, we have explored colour mixing with powder paints.

    In Mathematics, we have been learning about positional language.

    Within Science, we completed an experiment, using our investigation skills. Our question was, does the size of the sail affect the speed of the windmill.

    In RE, we have recapped the role of all the people in the parable, the lost son and reviewed what lessons we can all learn from this.

    On Thursday afternoon it was enterprise, thank you Year 6 for organising a great event.

    “I have enjoyed PE” (Harry).

    “I have enjoyed Phonics” (Eden).

    “I liked playing with my friend” (Tilly).

     “I liked all of my learning” (Matilda. M).

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year One Team –

    Have a safe and happy weekend.

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  • 17.06.22

    Published 16/06/22, by Admin

    Homework –

    Spellings – Introduce new spellings – Spelling shed powerpoint on server – The /ai/ and /oi/ digraphs. These digraphs are virtually never used at the end of words in English. (rain, train, point, coin, wait).

    Talk homework

    Talk about different types of renewable energy.

    Abacus - The children can access this resource via the website and complete one game as their Mathematics homework. 

    The children have their own log in details, these can be found in their reading diaries. The school code is kmm7 in the bottom box.


    Please see the letter regarding reading expectations in the front of your child’s reading diary. Please ensure your child has their reading folder in school every day. The children will bring home a weekly reading for pleasure book, as well as their reading book. This is to share together and promote a love for reading.


    Please continue to practise your Phonics at home.

    During our Global learning lesson, we have learnt about different types of renewable energy.

    In Mathematics, we have been learning about finding a quarter.

    Within Science, we have created a Science experiment to find out which fruit gives of the most methane.

    In RE we have been discussing responsibility and the things we can do to ensure we are always responsible.

    “I have enjoyed doing Phonics” (Margot).

    “I have enjoyed doing javelin in PE” (Orla).

    “I have enjoyed practising the egg and spoon race” (Edmund).

    A big welcome to Tyler to Sycamore class.

    “I enjoyed throwing the javelin in PE” (Tyler).


    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year One Team –

    Have a safe and happy weekend.

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  • 10.06.22

    Published 10/06/22, by Admin

    Homework –

    Spellings – The vowel digraph ‘er’.  In these words, the sound is unstressed and found at the end of words.

    better, over, winter, summer, river

    Talk homework

    Talk about shadows and how they occur.

    Abacus - The children can access this resource via the website and complete one game as their Mathematics homework. 

    The children have their own log in details, these can be found in their reading diaries. The school code is kmm7 in the bottom box.


    Please see the letter regarding reading expectations in the front of your child’s reading diary. Please ensure your child has their reading folder in school every day. The children will bring home a weekly reading for pleasure book, as well as their reading book. This is to share together and promote a love for reading.


    Please continue to practise your Phonics at home.

    Our new Global learning topic is Responsible Consumption and Production.

    During our Global learning lesson, we have listened and recognised different sounds from a variety of instruments.

    In Mathematics, we have been learning about finding a half.

    Within Science, we have made a shadow puppet and explored how to make a shadow outside in the sun.

    In RE we have learnt what a parable is and read the bible story ‘The Lost Son’.

    We performed our class assembly on Thursday all of the children spoke and acted amazingly. We choose the bible story ‘The man who came back’. Well done everyone!

    “I have enjoyed PE this week, we practised our throwing skills” (Grayson).

    “I have enjoyed doing our class assembly this week” (Olivia).

    “I have enjoyed Maths this week” (Mila).

    “I enjoyed cricket this week” (Archer).


    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year One Team –

    Have a safe and happy weekend.

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