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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


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  • Friday 1st July

    Published 01/07/22, by Admin

    The end of Science Week

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  • Science Week 27th June

    Published 29/06/22, by Admin

    Today we focused on the Chemistry aspect of science.

    The children had a fantastic time using microscopes to observe individual particles of salt and coffee.

    They worked in groups, making observations about what happened to the particles when adding  water to them. 

    In the afternoon, the children carried out an investigation to find out what black ink is composed of. The children used the process of chromatography to carry out this experiment. They also looked at other coloured inks.

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    Published 27/06/22, by Admin

    Science week. Monday 27th June

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  • Friday 17th June 2022

    Published 17/06/22, by Admin

     Cherry Class has had a busy week and -despite the heat - produced some wonderful work.

     Where do you stand? What do you think about recycling and second hand clothes?

     rough cough bough through thought bought brought nought dough ought


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  • Friday 10th June 2022

    Published 10/06/22, by Admin

     I hope you all had a fantastic break and enjoyed all the celebrations taking place.


     We are exploring the concept of 'revelation' in some world religions.
     What does the word 'revelation' mean to you?

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  • Friday 27th May

    Published 27/05/22, by Admin

     Talk Homework

     Talk about all the kinds of agreements we have with people.
     Can you think of any agreements in particular that are two-sided agreements? (sports / games)


     achieve apparent bargain bruise community mischievous muscle necessary vehicle system

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  • Friday 20th May

    Published 20/05/22, by Admin

     Talk Homework

    Which items weren't available during the war? Which foodstuffs would you consider essential items today?


     affect effect precede proceed draft draught dessert desert whose who's

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  • Friday 13th May 2022

    Published 13/05/22, by Admin

     Together look at your food shopping.
     Where is your food grown? In the UK or abroad.
    What do you notice about where the food is grown.

     Why do some people go hungry?

      Cereal / serial / complements / compliment / principal / principle / stationary / stationery / wary / weary

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  • 06/05/2022

    Published 06/05/22, by Admin

    Talk Homework: Can you explain the difference between the life cycle of a mammal and an insect.












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  • Friday 29th April

    Published 29/04/22, by Admin

     Cherry Class have made a fantastic start to the new term.
     I am really enjoying getting to know the class. They have made me feel so welcome.


     This week we have been exploring the different events in our text and creating our own timeline.
     Developing a character profile for Jim and writing character descriptions.


     This week we have focussed on Decimals and Percentages.
     We are working on explaining our work in written form and using the correct mathematical vocabulary.


    Lots of eager discussion and sharing of knowledge as we start to explore  ' Life cycles'.

          Have a great weekend.

          Miss \edwards

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  • Friday 4th February 2022

    Published 04/02/22, by Admin

    Darcy has enjoyed doing all the dances in PE from the 50s, 60s and 70s. Amber, Susie, Jack, Jaiden and Finn have all enjoyed experimenting in Science where we were looking at variables in our experiments relating to irreversible changes. Thomas has enjoyed learning about fractions and turning improper fractions into mixed numbers. We have all enjoyed starting our DT project where we will be creating levers, so we can have an interactive poster about Life Below Water. 

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  • Friday 28th January 2022

    Published 28/01/22, by Admin

    Talk homework: Explain how humans can have a negative impact on The Great Barrier Reef and how we could make positive changes. 

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