Blog 27.01.23
This week in Maths the children have been looking at fractions. They have discussed what the numerator and denominator are and how it links to parts and whole.
English - The children read some more of their power of reading book (Why the whales came?) and have been debating why the father should / should not join the Navy. The children have started to write a persuasive letter to the father trying to convince him either way. They have used some fantastic sentences starters and powerful adjectives.
Art - After studying the artist J Vincent Scarpace the children this week made their own clay fish. This was thoroughly enjoyed by all, and they look fantastic!
Global learning - As part of our Global learning topic the children debated whether whaling should continue or not. They looked at why people whale and what the whale is used for.
Spellings - build, describe, library, imagine, promise, ordinary, weight, suppose, recent, natural