Week 9 - 11/11/2022

Talk Homework - Discuss with an adult - How does Ug live? Similarities and differences
Reading - Please continue to read and log it on Boom Reader
Maths - Practise 2s and 10s on TT rockstars.
Maths next week will be looking at:
Mon - Inverse Operations (Checking answers with + and - equations), Tue - Inverse Operations (Continued), Wed - Bar model with numbers up to 1000, Thur & Fri - 3-digit numbers '+' or '-' a 2-digit number.
Today we had our minute silence for remembrance day in assembly. We discussed what we were remembering and why.
In English, we have been creating Stone Age based games using materials that were available to them during the Stone Age.
In maths, we have been practising addition and subtraction using column method. We have also been starting to work on our compliments to 100.
Science this week involved using balls and slopes to test out friction on different surfaces.
With RE, we have been thinking about the Holy Trinity.
In French, we are learning about different classroom instructions.