Blog 16/06/2023

Talk homework - discuss with your adult the names of all the 2-D shapes you can remember, see if you can get all the way up to a 10 sided shape.
Spellings: words that end in -ture or -tcher.
English: We have been learning more about our story (which we don't even know the name of yet). We have drawn our own picture for the old man's dream which was about a wild, exotic jungle full of animals and other creatures. We ended the week writing a poem about the old man's dream and reality.
Maths: We have been learning about parallel, perpendicular, vertical and horizontal lines. We have used this knowledge to identify 2-D and 3-D shapes. On Thursday, we used a bag to hide a 3-D shape and described what it felt like so others in the class good guess what they were.
Ivy, Ella and Hugo have enjoyed English when we were drawing what we thought the old man's dream would look like because he dreamed he was in a jungle.
Connie, Lola, Isla P, Isla F and Harry E enjoyed maths, learning about 3D shapes and 2D shapes and also making shapes out of marshmallow and spaghetti. Dexter particularly enjoyed eating the marshmallows.
Harry J and Archer enjoyed Art when we looked at some pictures that Grant Wood painted, they were about landscapes. Maizie also enjoyed Art because we were writing what we liked and disliked about the pictures that Grant Wood painted.
Thomas P enjoyed making our poems. We put all of our rows ideas together to write short poems and we wrote it into our English books.
Finley and Leo enjoyed when we had to guess the shape in the bag.
Lucas enjoyed the play because it was really fun watching professionals perform, everyone in Newt want to say a big thank you to everyone who contributed and the PTA for organising.
Hetty enjoyed history where we were learning about the Iron Age. We drew a picture of an Iron Age tool which helped people to farm, protect themselves or make clothes.
Mya enjoyed PSHE where we told our bedtime routines, and we figured out what would be a good bedtime routine and what wouldn't be a good bedtime routine.