Week beg 17.4.23
Talk Homework: Explain to your adults why Britain declared war on Germany
Talk Homework: Explain to your adults why Britain declared war on Germany
Have a wonderful Easter break!
Please practice putting these spellings into sentences ready for dictation practice next term.
Attached is also a list of Year 5 common exception words to practice weekly over the Summer term, in addition to your weekly spellings please.
Please talk to your adult about your design for a sustainable building and bring in all your DT resources for Monday
Words containing 'ough'
Talk Homework: Discuss with your adults what examples of air resistance you can see in everyday life
The rule is 'ough'
Talk homework: Discuss with your adults your design for a sustainable building (its features and purpose).
Please practise your spellings for Monday's quiz. Our rule is i before e, except after c
Talk homework: Talk to your adults about what makes a city sustainable, ahead of us planning our own cities next week
'ie' after c
Talk homework: What is a sustainable city? Talk to your adults about what features make a sustainable city/building and see if you can observe any inspiring architectural design this weekend to share next week