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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


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  • Friday 14th July 2023

    Published 14/07/23, by Admin

    To all the grown ups in Willow and Bramble Class,

    As the final blog post of the year, we wanted to take the opportunity to say a huge thank you to all of you for all of your hard work and support with all of the children this year.

    We are so incredibly proud of how hard the children have worked, how far they have come since joining Year 1 in September, and we cannot believe how ready they are for the new and very exciting leap into Year 2!

    This week we have had a fabulous time making our repurposed items using our old t-shirts. The children were super creative in their designs and the make process was very interesting, the children found cutting the fabric very tricky and lots of children decided that they would need to alter their design to make it a bit simpler. Some children changed their design altogether!

    The children had big ideas, and we ended up with some clothes for toys, some outfits to wear at home over the summer, some toys and beds for cats, dogs and hamsters, baby blankets for siblings, sweat bands and headbands, football shirts, stuffed toys and basketballs. The children then evaluated their final product against their design and talked about what went well and what they would improve if they were to make it again – we decided sharper scissors would definitely be beneficial!

    We also spent the whole of Thursday undertaking our skills builder project, Community Café. The children were put into teams and were tasked with coming up with a theme for their café and a name based on their theme. They were then asked to make menu’s to show what their customers could purchase, decorate their café by making a banner and pictures/decorations for the walls and tables and set up their tables ready for their customers to come and visit! Part of the team were tasked with preparing the sandwiches, biscuits and drinks, which were all sent to the kitchen ready for the waiters to serve the patiently waiting customers.

    Bramble Class came and visited Willow Classes’ cafes, where the children took orders, served their food and ensured that they provided fantastic customer service to their guests. We then switched roles and enjoyed some yummy Jam and Cheese sandwiches, biscuits and orange squash!

    We were incredibly proud of how the children worked together, collaborating and communicating effectively to ensure a smooth service. Some of the children we didn’t expect to showed us their organisational skills, leadership skills and communication skills to work fantastically well within their teams.

    Friday has been a lovely day where we have had the opportunity to make the most of the time we have had left with our wonderful classes – it has been so lovely to chat with them, find out what they have enjoyed this year and to find out what their plans are over the summer.

    We are going to miss the children so much – they are a fantastic group of children with incredible personalities, they are a credit to you all and we have been incredibly lucky to work with them this year.

    I personally will be looking forward to bringing my little boy in to meet the children at some point in the new school year once he has made his arrival and I have settled into life with 2 under 2 - I will miss the children so much and can’t wait to see how they all progress in Year 2!

    Have a fantastic summer break, get plenty of rest, enjoy the sunshine and we look forward to seeing you all in September!

    Best wishes,
    The Year 1 Team

    Read More
  • Friday 7th July 2023

    Published 07/07/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    If you haven’t already, please bring in an old white or light coloured t-shirt that you don’t wear anymore (yours or an adults at home) by WEDNESDAY at the LATEST as we will be designing and repurposing an old piece of clothing into something brand new in our DT learning on Friday.


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.


    There are no spellings this week.


    Please follow the link below to access LetterJoin, a website which is really useful to support children’s letter formation and cursive handwriting. You can see how we use cursive script by following the tutorials and you can also download handwriting sheets to support your child’s handwriting practice at home.
    The login details are as follows:
    Username: bpa_3
    Password: Year 1

    Twig Science Reporter

    Please follow the link below for lots of interesting Science articles which can be linked to lots of areas of our science learning. Some of our talk homework may be linked to this website so please keep an eye out for future blogs.

    Transition week has come and gone and it has been so lovely to have our children back today to talk about all the things that they have been doing in their new classes this week!

    Millie has enjoyed writing a story about the Yellow Submarine.

    Tom has enjoyed doing a treasure hunt where the children had to hunt for facts about John Lennon. Tom could tell us that Lennon was born in Liverpool.

    Ruben really enjoyed being outside, blindfolded on the obstacle course where his partner had to guide him across the wooden equipment using only their voice!

    Emily also enjoyed a treasure hunt to find out all about Vivaldi, the children found out that his first name was Antonio! Dylan found out that Vivaldi was born in Italy! Hayley found out that Vivaldi’s Dad taught him how to play the violin.

    Jack enjoyed learning lots of things about John Lennon. He did not know he was in the Beetles.

    Delilah learnt that Vivaldi wrote more than 800 songs.

    Toby enjoued English, he wrote a story about a picture. The picture showed a storm, the children used their imagination to write a story about getting shelter from a cave finding treasure whilst others went into the deep dark forest.

    Ethan learnt that John Lennon was born on the 9th of October.

    Charlie enjoyed the Science lesson on Thursday afternoon where the children investigated floating and sinking.

    One more week until we spread our wings and leave the Year 1 nest, we are looking forward to making lots of memories with the children over the final few days.

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes and enjoy the lovely weather!
    The Year 1 Team

    Read More
  • Friday 30th June 2023

    Published 29/06/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    With it being transition week next week, this week we would like you to talk to your grown ups at home about what you enjoy most about learning, something that you would like to share with your new teacher (a talent, something you enjoy, something that has happened to you), and something that you are looking forward to about moving up to Year 2. You could draw or write your ideas down or just be ready to share it with your new teacher on Monday!

    Please bring in an old white or light coloured t-shirt that you don’t wear anymore (yours or an adults at home) by NEXT FRIDAY as we will be designing and repurposing an old piece of clothing into something brand new in our DT learning the following week.


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.


    There are no spellings this week.


    Please follow the link below to access LetterJoin, a website which is really useful to support children’s letter formation and cursive handwriting. You can see how we use cursive script by following the tutorials and you can also download handwriting sheets to support your child’s handwriting practice at home.
    The login details are as follows:
    Username: bpa_3
    Password: Year 1

    Twig Science Reporter

    Please follow the link below for lots of interesting Science articles which can be linked to lots of areas of our science learning. Some of our talk homework may be linked to this website so please keep an eye out for future blogs.

    Another week has flown by as we head towards the end of the Summer term!

    We really enjoyed writing your children’s reports and we hope that you enjoyed reading about your children and how they have got on this year, we are incredibly proud of all of them.

    This week the children have wowed us with their Maths learning as they have completed a reasoning paper to show us their understanding of the maths curriculum. We have also started learning how to tell the time to the nearest hour – we have learned that a clock face is just like a number line and when the small hand is pointing directly to the number, it must be o’clock! We will continue learning about this after Transition week.

    The children have been getting themselves ready for Year 2 in our English learning this week through completing a piece of independent creative writing to share with their new teachers next week, as well as written their new teachers a letter to talk about themselves, what they are looking forward to and what they enjoy learning about.

    The children had their final Sports Day practises ready for the big day today and they all enjoyed participating for their Houses – we are incredibly proud of them all for how they joined in and for how they cheered on their team mates as well as their friends in different houses!

    We hope that the children have a fantastic four days with their new class teachers, and we look forward to hearing all about their new and exciting adventures when we get them back on Friday!

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes and enjoy the lovely weather!
    The Year 1 Team

    Read More
  • Friday 23rd June 2023

    Published 23/06/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    Talk to your adult about the different things we have been learning about during Science week!

    It would be fantastic if you could bring in an old white or light coloured t-shirt that you don’t wear anymore (yours or an adults at home), as we will be designing and repurposing an old piece of clothing into something brand new in our DT learning this half term!


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.


    The children will be tested on the ‘ue/ew’ sounds next week. Please continue to practise these over the weekend.

    Group 1:



    Group 2:
























    Please follow the link below to access LetterJoin, a website which is really useful to support children’s letter formation and cursive handwriting. You can see how we use cursive script by following the tutorials and you can also download handwriting sheets to support your child’s handwriting practice at home.
    The login details are as follows:
    Username: bpa_3
    Password: Year 1

    Twig Science Reporter

    Please follow the link below for lots of interesting Science articles which can be linked to lots of areas of our science learning. Some of our talk homework may be linked to this website so please keep an eye out for future blogs.

    What a fantastic week we have had across the school to celebrate everything Science!

    This week has been a bit different from normal – we started the week with a whole school assembly where we were told that we would be conducting an investigation into how planes fly and which type of planes would be the best to fly.

    Year 1 conducted a comparative test through asking the question: Does the size of a planes wings affect how far it flies? We made three planes, one plane had big wings, one had medium sized wings and one plane had small wings.

    The children predicted which plane they thought would fly the furthest and gave reasons for their predictions, before we then tested our planes by launching them all. We recorded our results and came to conclusions, thinking about the Science behind why each plane flew how it did. Some of the children gave some really fantastic explanations for why the plane with the big wings didn’t fly as far as we thought it would, and why the little wings didn’t fly very far either!

    On Tuesday Mrs Carters son Oliver came into school and taught us all about Dinosaurs. The children loved learning which families the dinosaurs belonged to, learnt about their features and then had the challenge of sorting and classifying a range of dinosaurs into groups based on what they looked like and their features.

    On Wednesday, we enjoyed researching about Water Conservation in our reading comprehension lesson, where the children read lots of information about how we can help our planet by saving water in different ways. The children enjoyed reading aloud, making notes on how they can help our environment and then created a Poster explaining what we can do to be super conservationists!

    On Thursday we completed some observational drawings of our favourite animals, learning about George Stubbs, who drew detailed anatomical drawings of different animals and their body parts. The children paid attention to the details in their pictures and produced some fantastic artwork.

    On Friday, the children researched their favourite animals and did some creative writing to tell us all about them. Giving them an exciting stimulus to write about really helped the children engage and produce some brilliant pieces of writing, which we are so proud of!

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes and enjoy the lovely weather!
    The Year 1 Team

    Read More
  • Friday 16th June 2023

    Published 16/06/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    In preparation for Science week, talk to your adults at home about how we can reduce our energy consumption in the house. What can we do to save energy? How can we try and reduce how much energy we use? We look forward to hearing your ideas!

    It would be fantastic if you could bring in an old white or light coloured t-shirt that you don’t wear anymore (yours or an adults at home), as we will be designing and repurposing an old piece of clothing into something brand new in our DT learning this half term!


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.


    The children will be tested on the ‘or/aw’ sounds next week. Please continue to practise these over the weekend.

    Group 1:



    Group 2:



































    Please follow the link below to access LetterJoin, a website which is really useful to support children’s letter formation and cursive handwriting. You can see how we use cursive script by following the tutorials and you can also download handwriting sheets to support your child’s handwriting practice at home.
    The login details are as follows:
    Username: bpa_3
    Password: Year 1

    Twig Science Reporter

    Please follow the link below for lots of interesting Science articles which can be linked to lots of areas of our science learning. Some of our talk homework after Easter may be linked to this website so please keep an eye out for future blogs.

    Wow, we have had an incredible week in Year 1. We would like to start by telling you how proud we are of each and every child in Willow and Bramble Class for how they conducted themselves this week and participated in their Year 1 Phonics Screening Check assessment. We were blown away by how confidently and happily each child came into their check and we are so proud of how well they have ALL done – we couldn’t have asked for a smoother run through and the children all came out smiling. Well done to each and every one of you!

    This week has been a little different, as we have had a Foundation Subject focussed week, in which we have done lots of Art, Music, DT, Geography as well as Computing and Science, alongside completing our phonics checks.

    The children loved creating their own landscape paintings based on the Artists Van Gogh, Claude Monet and Paul Cezanne, we used a range of tools including oil pastels, pencils and coloured pencils in their sketch books to draw and colour a range of different landscapes including countrysides and farmland. The children showed us a range of mark making techniques and loved exploring the different outcomes from their experimenting.

    The children also enjoyed listening to a range of different styles of music, whilst imagining what kind of marks they would make on paper to represent the rhythm, pulse, beat and different instruments that they could hear. Next week the children will be creating their own graphic score to represent a piece of music before creating their own music to go alongside a score.

    We have enjoyed learning about the different types of land use in Buckden, the children could identify that the land in our locality is used for housing, education, industry and for farmland. We also identified that the land is quite flat around Buckden which makes it useful to build on!

    On Friday we learned about the importance of following instructions precisely, by giving each other instructions in pairs to build identical towers of cubes and draw identical pictures without looking! We learned the term ‘algorithm’ and will be looking at this in more depth next week on the Computers which we are very excited about!

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes and enjoy the lovely weather!
    The Year 1 Team

    Read More
  • Friday 9th June 2023

    Published 09/06/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    Talk to your adults about respsonsible consumption. What does it mean to consume something? Do we use everything that we buy? Do we throw much away? How could we repurpose the things that we have?

    It would be fantastic if you could bring in an old white or light coloured t-shirt that you don’t wear anymore (yours or an adults at home), as we will be designing and repurposing an old piece of clothing into something brand new in our DT learning this half term!


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.


    The children will be tested on the ‘er’ sound family on Tuesday next week. Please continue to practise these over the weekend.

    Group 1: ‘ue’ ‘oo’

    Group 2: ‘ue’ ‘oo’

































    Please follow the link below to access LetterJoin, a website which is really useful to support children’s letter formation and cursive handwriting. You can see how we use cursive script by following the tutorials and you can also download handwriting sheets to support your child’s handwriting practice at home.
    The login details are as follows:
    Username: bpa_3
    Password: Year 1

    Twig Science Reporter

    Please follow the link below for lots of interesting Science articles which can be linked to lots of areas of our science learning. Some of our talk homework after Easter may be linked to this website so please keep an eye out for future blogs.

    This week in Year 1 we have been going over our Arithmetic in Maths, using different methods for addition and subtraction.

    In PE we have been praticising for Sports Day in a few weeks. We did the Egg and Spoon race, and the Sack Race. It was great fun and quite funny!

    We also enjoyed doing Art this week, and looking at the landscapes of Vincent van Gogh, drawing his ‘Starry, Starry Night’. There are lots of budding artists in Year 1.

    Year 1 have also been playing football nicely during our lunchtimes. We have been impressed with their behaviour and sportsmanship.

    The children did brilliant independent write’s, using a picture of a boy in a jungle. There were some amazing adventure stories and lots of creativity.

    In Science, we classified animals into Carnivore, Herbivore and Omnivore’s. Bramble class scared Mr Payne with their terrifying Carnivore impressions.

    Today is Mr Payne’s last day with us as he has now qualified as a Teacher! We would like to thank him for all of his hard work and enthusiasm over the past two and a half months at Buckden, and for teaching the children in both Willow and Bramble class. He will soon have his very own class at a new school in September and we wish him all the best in his new and very exciting career!

    The children will be undertaking their phonics screening check at the beginning of next week, please read with your children over the weekend and if you get the chance, have a go at playing some of the games on the websites below, where the children can practise sounding and blending in order to read a range of words.

    We will be doing our best to ensure that every child is happy and comfortable when completing their phonics check, we can assure you that the children have had lots of practise doing these checks (one every other week since Easter) and are fabulous at undertaking them, so please do not panic or worry as they are more than ready.

    You will receive your child's result in their school report at the end of June.

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes and have a lovely weekend.
    The Year 1 Team

    Read More
  • Friday 26th May 2023

    Published 26/05/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    This week we have been learning about what plants need to survive. Talk to your adults about the FIVE things that plants need in order to grow.

    If you would like to challenge yourself, please practise counting forwards AND backwards in steps of 2, 5 and 10!


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.


    The children will be tested on the ‘ir’ sound family on Monday next week. Please continue to practise these over the weekend.

    Group 1:




    Group 2:


































    Please follow the link below to access LetterJoin, a website which is really useful to support children’s letter formation and cursive handwriting. You can see how we use cursive script by following the tutorials and you can also download handwriting sheets to support your child’s handwriting practice at home.
    The login details are as follows:
    Username: bpa_3
    Password: Year 1

    Twig Science Reporter

    Please follow the link below for lots of interesting Science articles which can be linked to lots of areas of our science learning. Some of our talk homework after Easter may be linked to this website so please keep an eye out for future blogs.

    This week in Year 1 the children have been showing off their creative writing skills in our English learning, we gave them a picture of Wonderland and they used their imagination to describe everything that they could see in the picture, including using adjectives! Some children even challenged themselves to write their own wonderland adventure stories and we are so proud of their hard work and super neat handwriting!

    In Maths we have been looking at position and direction, including learning our left and right, language such as above and below, forwards and backwards. The children have learned in lots of practical ways and have shown a good understanding of positional vocabulary.

    We have really enjoyed our Art again this week where we recreated Paul Cezanne’s Apples and Oranges using watercolour paints, where we really focused on mixing colours to create different tones.

    Thank you so much for all of your hard work this half term, the children have made huge progress and we are so proud!

    Please continue to read over the half term as this will continue to aid their phonics practice - here are a couple of phonics websites to help your children practise and prepare for their phonics ahead of their screening after the break.

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes and have a wonderful half term break J
    The Year 1 Team

    Read More
  • Friday 19th May 2023

    Published 19/05/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    This week we have been learning about halving and quartering quantities. Talk to your adults at home about how many parts we need to split different amounts into when we are halving, and how many parts we need when we are quartering. Can you find some toys or things at home to half and quarter?

    If you would like to challenge yourself, please practise counting forwards AND backwards in steps of 2, 5 and 10!


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.


    The children will be tested on the ‘ee’ sound family on Monday next week. Please continue to practise these over the weekend.


    Please follow the link below to access LetterJoin, a website which is really useful to support children’s letter formation and cursive handwriting. You can see how we use cursive script by following the tutorials and you can also download handwriting sheets to support your child’s handwriting practice at home.
    The login details are as follows:
    Username: bpa_3
    Password: Year 1

    Twig Science Reporter

    Please follow the link below for lots of interesting Science articles which can be linked to lots of areas of our science learning. Some of our talk homework after Easter may be linked to this website so please keep an eye out for future blogs.

    This week in Year 1 the children have absolutely loved our DT project, where we put our cutting skills into practise by chopping different fruits up before threading them onto a skewer and eating our delicious fruit kebabs!

    In Maths we have been learning how to quarter shapes, objects and quantities, the children have enjoyed using resources and themselves to quarter amounts – they loved getting outside on Thursday for our ‘Outdoor Learning Day’ where they were transformed into human cubes and quartered by Miss Kelly and Mrs Jaynes!

    We have had an Arty week, where the children have explored Paul Cezanne through observational drawing, we were really impressed with the children’s care and attention to detail when drawing their own recreation of Cezanne’s ‘Apples and Oranges’, and they also loved trialling and testing their ideas when making Arcimboldo’s Fruit Faces!

    Here are a couple of phonics websites to help your children practise and prepare for their phonics ahead of their screening after half term.

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes and have a lovely weekend.
    The Year 1 Team

    Read More
  • Friday 12th May 2023

    Published 12/05/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    This week we have been using Google Chrome to research different types of food packaging. The children have shown us that they can find the internet, use their typing skills to search on Google and can find examples of food packaging that they like. Continue to have a go at using your research skills at home.

    If you would like to challenge yourself, please practise counting forwards AND backwards in steps of 2, 5 and 10!


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.


    The children will be tested on the ‘i' sound family on Tuesday next week. Please continue to practise these over the weekend.


    Please follow the link below to access LetterJoin, a website which is really useful to support children’s letter formation and cursive handwriting. You can see how we use cursive script by following the tutorials and you can also download handwriting sheets to support your child’s handwriting practice at home.
    The login details are as follows:
    Username: bpa_3
    Password: Year 1

    Twig Science Reporter

    Please follow the link below for lots of interesting Science articles which can be linked to lots of areas of our science learning. Some of our talk homework after Easter may be linked to this website so please keep an eye out for future blogs.

    This week in Year 1

    In Maths we have been learning how to find half of an object, shape and quantity. The children can talk about how a half is when something is split into two equal parts, and could fold shapes in half to show their understanding.

    In PE this week we have been practising our running, throwing at a target and throwing and catching with a partner. The children showed some really promising skills ready for our Sports Day in June!

    On Friday we really enjoyed using the internet to research different types of food packaging. Next week, we will be designing our own food packaging on Purple Mash using what we have found out from our research this week.

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes and have a lovely weekend.
    The Year 1 Team

    Read More
  • Friday 5th May 2023

    Published 09/05/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    This week we have started our DT project in which we will be designing and making our own fruit kebabs. Talk to your grown-ups at home about which fruit you would like to use for your own kebab – think about the fruits that you will be able to thread onto your skewer!

    If you would like to challenge yourself, please practise counting forwards AND backwards in steps of 2, 5 and 10!


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.


    The children will be tested on the ‘er’ sound family on Tuesday next week. Please continue to practise these over the weekend.

    The ‘a’ sound family













    Please follow the link below to access LetterJoin, a website which is really useful to support children’s letter formation and cursive handwriting. You can see how we use cursive script by following the tutorials and you can also download handwriting sheets to support your child’s handwriting practice at home.
    The login details are as follows:
    Username: bpa_3
    Password: Year 1

    Twig Science Reporter

    Please follow the link below for lots of interesting Science articles which can be linked to lots of areas of our science learning. Some of our talk homework after Easter may be linked to this website so please keep an eye out for future blogs.

    This week in Year 1 we have enjoyed doing our coronation dance and practicing our singing of the Coronation song. We performed this on Friday afternoon in front of the whole school.

    We have also enjoyed doing phonics, and seeing just how much we have improved over the last few months. The children should all be so proud of themselves.

    In English, we have been continuing with our story The Secret Sky Garden and writing about emotions and even doing some drama. There were some amazing ‘freeze-frame’ performances of our feelings.

    In our maths we were continuing our counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, and we learnt about arrays with baking trays. Our columns and rows knowledge is getting really good.

    On Tuesday we went to the allotment, and the children had a great time planting seeds and seeing the chickens. Thank you to all of our parent volunteers.

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes and have a lovely weekend.
    The Year 1 Team

    Read More
  • Friday 28th April 2023

    Published 28/04/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    This week we have started our DT project in which we will be designing and making our own fruit kebabs. Talk to your grown-ups at home about which fruit you would like to use for your own kebab – think about the fruits that you will be able to thread onto your skewer!

    If you would like to challenge yourself, please practise counting forwards AND backwards in steps of 2, 5 and 10!


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.


    The children will be tested on the ‘er’ sound family on Tuesday next week. Please continue to practise these over the weekend.

    The ‘er’ sound family
    /ir/ /er/ /ur/ /or/












    Please follow the link below to access LetterJoin, a website which is really useful to support children’s letter formation and cursive handwriting. You can see how we use cursive script by following the tutorials and you can also download handwriting sheets to support your child’s handwriting practice at home.
    The login details are as follows:
    Username: bpa_3
    Password: Year 1

    Twig Science Reporter

    Please follow the link below for lots of interesting Science articles which can be linked to lots of areas of our science learning. Some of our talk homework after Easter may be linked to this website so please keep an eye out for future blogs.

    This week in English we have been looking at the character of Funni in our Power of Reading Text, which we now know is called ‘The Secret Sky Garden’. We have looked at emotions in detail and described how Funni feels about the different settings within the story.

    In Maths, we have been learning to count in steps of 2, 5 and 10. We have looked at ‘groups of’ using models and images to support our understanding, for example 4 groups of 2 is 2, 4, 6, 8! The children enjoyed lots of counting games and their next steps are to be confidently counting both forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s.

    In Geography, the children learned about the different types of farms that we have within our locality. We talked about what is produced on these farms and the children then went on to design their own farm, explaining why they had chosen this type of farm.

    We are continuing to learn new phonic sounds, but are revising the sounds we have learned on a daily basis – if you would like to practise any phonics at home, please have a look at the websites below, which are great fun for the children and will support them in recalling the sounds we have been learning at school, as well as practise their segmenting and blending skills.

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes and have a lovely weekend.
    The Year 1 Team

    Read More
  • Friday 21st April 2023

    Published 21/04/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    This week we have started our new Science topic on Plants and Trees. Talk to your adults about the different types of plants and trees that you know. Can you remember what plants need to grow?


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.


    The children will be tested on their phonic sounds ‘oy’ and ‘oi’ on Monday. Please continue to practise them over the weekend.

    enjoy, boys, destroy, joyful, cowboy, noise, oil, avoid, boiling, joined.


    Please follow the link below to access LetterJoin, a website which is really useful to support children’s letter formation and cursive handwriting. You can see how we use cursive script by following the tutorials and you can also download handwriting sheets to support your child’s handwriting practice at home.
    The login details are as follows:
    Username: bpa_3
    Password: Year 1

    Twig Science Reporter

    Please follow the link below for lots of interesting Science articles which can be linked to lots of areas of our science learning. Some of our talk homework after Easter may be linked to this website so please keep an eye out for future blogs.

    This week we are so impressed with the children who have come back from the Easter break with a fantastic attitude towards their learning!
    In English we have started a new Power of Reading book (the name is yet to be revealed), and the children have been discussing the problem of littering in our local area and the impact it can have on wildlife. As a class, we wrote a letter to Mrs Anderson who is in charge of our eco-committee, to inform her of the problem and to try and persuade her to help us do something about it!

    In Maths, we have been learning about capacity and volume. We have compared a range of different containers and thought about which ones have the biggest capacity, and which ones have the smallest capacity. We introduced the term ‘volume’ and will be looking at this in more depth on Monday!

    In History we have started looking at our new Sustainable Development Goal, No Hunger, by looking at farming through the ages. We have begun to look at how farming has changed since the Tudor era, and compared it with the Victorian Period and how farming has developed up until now!

    We are continuing to learn new phonic sounds, but are revising the sounds we have learned on a daily basis – if you would like to practise any phonics at home, please have a look at the websites below, which are great fun for the children and will support them in recalling the sounds we have been learning at school, as well as practise their segmenting and blending skills.

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes and have a lovely weekend.
    The Year 1 Team

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