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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day


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  • Friday 31st March 2023

    Published 31/03/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    Talk to your grownups at home about ALL of the phase 5 sounds we have learned this year. Think back to September when started with ay, ay, may I play. Can you remember all the sounds and their caption actions?


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.


    The children will be tested on their phonic sounds ‘ie’ and ‘ea’. Please make sure you practise them over the holidays as they will be tested on the first Monday back after Easter.


    Please follow the link below to access LetterJoin, a website which is really useful to support children’s letter formation and cursive handwriting. You can see how we use cursive script by following the tutorials and you can also download handwriting sheets to support your child’s handwriting practice at home.
    The login details are as follows:
    Username: bpa_3
    Password: Year 1

    Twig Science Reporter

    Please follow the link below for lots of interesting Science articles which can be linked to lots of areas of our science learning. Some of our talk homework after Easter may be linked to this website so please keep an eye out for future blogs.


    Wow, where has this term gone? The children have worked so hard in all areas of our learning and have topped off a fantastic half term with five phenomenal performances of their play ‘A Quest for Arthur’ to the school and to you all!   

    In Maths this week the children have worked so hard to show us their knowledge and understanding of our arithmetic learning, including their knowledge of addition and subtraction, missing number problems and some children have shown an understanding of fractions of amounts – when we haven’t even taught them yet!

    The arithmetic paper also highlighted some gaps in the children’s learning and we have responded to this by making a maths pack which will be attached to this blog for you to print at home and complete if you wish.   

    We have had a wonderful couple of days completing this terms skills builder project, ‘Dream Space’. The children worked in teams to design and create their very own dream space based on a theme of their choice. The theme of the space had to be agreed between the pairs and their dream space had to include interior design and furniture that linked to their theme. The children showed fantastic teamwork skills, used their creativity skills to design and make their own dream spaces and they also had to stay positive whilst overcoming any barriers or issues that they faced on their journey. We are so proud of how they have worked in their teams and they produced some fantastic final products! Well done all of you J.

    The children have worked so hard this term and we are now moving quickly into the final term of the year! We are working towards Year 2 and the children’s reading, maths and writing will be reflective of this.

    Have a fantastic, relaxing Easter break full of rest, plenty of fun and lots of chocolate! We look forward to seeing you all in the Summer term where the hard work will continue!

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes and have a lovely weekend.
    The Year 1 Team

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  • Friday 24th March 2023

    Published 24/03/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    This week we have been learning about measuring length and height. We used cubes as a non-standard way of measuring objects and then moved on to use rulers and centimetres (cm) to measure the length and height of different objects around the classroom. Can you find some objects around your house to measure? Can you find a ruler or a tape measure to measure the length or height of some of your toys? Remember to start at 0 and to measure to the end of the object to find an accurate measurement, to the nearest centimetre.


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.

    Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as we will be reading with your children in school at least once a week.


    The children will be tested on their phonic sounds ‘ay’ and ‘ou’ this week. The ‘ay’ sound is usually found at the end of words and the ‘ou’ sound is usually found in the middle of words. Please remember to put your spelling books in your reading folder so that we can test you on Monday.


    In Maths this week we have been measuring length and height using cubes as a non-standard way of measuring and using a ruler as a standard way of measuring.  The children were accurate in their measuring, remembering to start at 0 and to measure to the nearest centimetre by measuring all the way to the end of the objects.

    In English this week we are super proud of the children who have had the chance to show us their fantastic writing skills by writing an independent piece of writing about Claude from our Power of Reading book, Claude in the City. The children earned lots of house points by remembering their capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, writing for sense, using cursive handwriting to present their work neatly and even extending their sentences using because.

    On Wednesday morning we went on our trip to Buckden Towers! We went into the Kings Room and the Lady Chapel, where we learned about Henry VIII, Catherine of Aragon and some facts about the Tudors, including how they travelled, what they ate, what clothes they wore and how they lived, including washing and going to the toilet!

    We also learned about the buildings themselves at the Towers. We learned that some of the buildings burned down, some of them were knocked down, and some of them fell down! The bricks in the oldest part of the building were made out of clay, and some of the bricks were black because they got burnt when they were being cooked! Instead of wasting the burnt bricks, the people who built the Towers decided to make patterns in the brickwork which we decided looked really pretty. Some of the buildings were rebuilt out of stone, and others were rebuilt out of bricks and cement.

    Finally, we went into the Knot garden where we looked at the Knot patterns in the bushes, and a variety of plants and herbs which were used for dying wool to make clothes, as well as for medicinal purposes. The Tudors definitely put the things that they grew to very good use!

    Thank you for bringing your children’s costumes into school this week – we did two dress rehearsals to Upper School and Lower School on Thursday and Friday and the children performed brilliantly!

    For Wednesday 29th March’s evening performance (which starts at 6pm), please ensure your child has been dropped at the School Office at 5:30pm so that we can get them changed and ready for the evening performance. An adult will be on the door from 5:20pm-5:40pm to ensure we get all children in and ready on time.

    If you have any more shoeboxes, please could you bring them in as we will be using them next Wednesday to make our very own ‘Dream Space’ in a sustainable way!

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes and have a lovely weekend.
    The Year 1 Team

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  • Friday 17th March 2023

    Published 17/03/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    This week we have been learning about sustainability and looking after our environment. Talk to your grown ups about the different ways that we can help look after our community – think about how we can make it look nice, and what we can do to protect our local wildlife.


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.

    Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as we will be reading with your children in school at least once a week.


    The children will be tested on their High Frequency words on Monday. Please ensure your child has practised their dictation sentence(s) too.

    Group 1

    Group 2

    Group 3



















    My friend’s house is by the school.

    The king wanted a night by the window.

    Floppy the dog jumped in the river to get something.

    In Maths this week we have been estimating where numbers up to 50 would be placed on a blank number line. The children enjoyed using what they knew to help them think about whether numbers should be placed in particular places and got more and more confident as we had more practise.

    In Art this week the children have completed their own portraits of an adult in school who inspires them. The children have worked really hard to try and get the facial features in proportion and in the correct place. We are very excited to send them off to the Sky Arts Competition next week – if you haven’t handed in your permission slip yet, then please send it into the school office so that we can enter your child’s work.

    We are very excited to introduce Mr Payne to the Year 1 Team – Mr Payne is training to be a Teacher and will be spending lots of time in Willow Class teaching the children and supporting their learning. Please say hello if you get the chance!

    Next Wednesday morning we are very excited to be going on our trip to Buckden Towers! We have enough adults to support Willow Class as Mr Payne has joined us for the next 8 weeks, however we still need 2 adult volunteers to join Bramble Class – if you are free between 9-12pm on Wednesday morning please send us an email or speak with Miss Murkett to let her know if you would like to come and help. Thank you so much for your support.

    Please make sure that your child’s costume has been brought into school by Monday 20th March at the latest in a named carrier bag. Thank you!

    If you have any more shoeboxes, please could you bring them in as we will be using them in the final week of term to make our very own ‘Dream Space’ in a sustainable way!

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes and have a lovely weekend.
    The Year 1 Team

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  • Friday 10th March 2023

    Published 10/03/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    This week we have been learning how to partition numbers into groups of tens and ones. Talk to your adults about a range of numbers up to 100. How many groups of ten are there? How many ones? For example, 47 is four tens and 7 ones.  


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.

    Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as we will be reading with your children in school at least once a week.


    The children will be tested on their High Frequency words on Monday. Please ensure your child has practised their dictation sentence(s) too.

    Group 1

    Group 2

    Group 3



















    She said to ask the school.

    Look, is that your friend behind you?

    Please mind your clothes near the great water source.

    In English this week we have been looking again at our Power of Reading book, Claude in the City. We learned that on one of his adventures, Claude found a doctors coat in the hospital and was mistaken for a real life doctor who was needed for an emergency…  We had to decide whether to Claude should lie and pretend to be a doctor to help the person in need or whether he should tell the truth and tell the lady he can’t actually help as he isn’t trained to save lives. The children gave some really thoughtful responses and we decided that honesty was the best policy!

    In History this week, we have combined our Reading lessons by reading a passage of information all about King Henry VIII. We used our skills to find out about when he was born, when he was crowned King of England, why he didn’t stay married to Catherine of Aragon and when he died. We found out about his hobbies which included jousting, watching sport and holding great parties with lots of food!

    In Computing this week, we have started our new topic on ‘Animation’. The children have created have now created their second (and third, fourth) pages to our stories and we have learned how to add animations to make our picture move and our stories more exciting. The children have loved the challenge!

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes and have a lovely weekend.
    The Year 1 Team

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  • Friday 3rd March 2023

    Published 03/03/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    This week on World Book Day we talked about our favourite books. Talk to your grown ups about your favourite types of books. Do you like story books? Or fact books? Fiction or non-fiction? Do you like funny books? Do you like silly books? Think about the different genres of books that we can read. You could even give some examples of each type of book. We would love to hear some of your recommendations.


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.

    Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as we will be reading with your children in school at least once a week.


    The children will be tested on their High Frequency words on Monday. Please ensure your child has practised their dictation sentence(s) too.

    Group 1

    Group 2

    Group 3



















    Where do you want to go?

    The kind child told me the hour.

    My poor parents need to improve the plant behind their house.

    In English this week we have been looking in more detail at our Power of Reading book, Claude in the City. The children have enjoyed freeze framing a scene from the story and using their body language and facial expressions to portray the different characters. We had lots of fun guessing who the children were acting out.

    In Maths this week we have been looking at numbers to 20 and related facts. We have worked hard to show the addition and subtraction number sentences that make up a fact family for a range of different representations of number, including part whole models and bar models

    In Geography this week we talked about what a human and a natural feature is. We talked about the different features in Buckden, those that have been made by humans and those that have grown/been created by the environment.

    In Computing this week, we have started our new topic on ‘Animation’. The children have created the first page of their own e-book, and we are looking forward to adding sounds and animations to our stories to make them more fun and interesting to read!

    Thank you for your contributions to World Book Day – the children loved sharing their favourite stories, listening to a range of stories and enjoyed being in their pyjamas all day!

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes,
    The Year 1 Team

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  • Spellings w/c 21.02.23

    Published 22/02/23, by Admin

    Below are this week's spellings. The children will be tested on these spellings on Monday 27th February 2023.

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  • Link to Phonics Check Information Meeting

    Published 21/02/23, by Admin

    Please follow the link below to see the recording of this afternoons Phonics Check Information Meeting.

    Best wishes,

    The Year 1 Team

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  • Friday 10th February 2023

    Published 10/02/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    This week we have been focusing on using our number bonds to numbers within 10 to help us when adding ones to larger numbers. For example, if 2 + 3 = 5, we know that 12 + 3 must be 15. We looked at what was the same and what was different – the children could see the number bonds within the addition number sentences and could tell us that it was different because a 10 had been added. Challenge yourself to answer some trickier number sentences, using your bonds within 10 to help you.


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.

    Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as we will be reading with your children in school at least once a week.


    The children will be tested on their High Frequency words on Monday 20th February. Please make sure you practise these spellings over the half term as it will really benefit the children’s writing.

    In English this week the children have been learning about the different word classes that we use in our writing. We have learned that an adjective is used to describe, a verb tells us what someone is doing and a noun is a person, place or thing. The children used what they know about the character, Anna, from our Power of Reading text ‘How to Find Gold’, as well as their knowledge and understanding of adjectives, to help them write a character description about the small, adventurous, brave girl!

    In PE this week the children really enjoyed our football session, where we put our dribbling and passing skills into practise in small group sessions, as well as practised shooting the ball towards a target. The children showed determination and perseverance in their lessons and we all had lots of fun!

    In Art this week we have been looking at the artist Hokusai who used a printing technique to create beautiful pictures of water. The children had such fun designing their own wave using a technique called relief printing. The children drew their wave design onto a piece of cardboard, before using string to cover the design. They then used a roller to paint over their print design before printing it into their sketchbooks. The children’s designs were successful and they had a great time learning a new technique!

    Thank you all for attending our Spring Term Parents Evening this week, it was really fantastic to sit and have a proper chat with you about your children and their progress so far this week. We are really proud of how far they have all come since September and can’t believe that we are already half way through the year!

    ** Maths Packs **

    Lots of parents queried about how to support Maths at home during our Parents Evening appointments. We have sent home a maths pack for each child with some information on our Maths learning, including the use of part-whole models, fact families, using a number line for addition and subtraction as well as missing number problems. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to drop us an email, and we will do our best to help where we can.

    ** Shoebox Appeal **

    Could you please save any spare shoeboxes that you have at home and send them in with your children next half term – we will be designing and making our very own sustainable sensory gardens as part of our skills builder project and ideally we would like the children to have their own – please keep boxes you may have as we would love to take them off your hands!

    ** Phonics Screening Check Information Afternoon 3:30-4:00pm **

    An email was sent out yesterday to inform you that we will be holding a Phonics Screening Check Information Afternoon for ALL parents on Tuesday 21st February 2023 from 3:30-4:00pm. Children are welcome to attend this meeting as we are aware that it is taking place straight after school. We will also be recording the meeting if you are unable to attend – please drop us an email at either way to let us know if you will be attending or if you would like a copy of the video recording sent to you after the meeting has taken place.

    It has been an incredibly busy start to 2023 and we are so proud of how the children are continuing to show us their fantastic work ethic and enthusiasm for learning – please enjoy a well-deserved rest over half term and we look forward to seeing you all back on Monday 20th February.

    Best wishes,
    The Year 1 Team

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  • Friday 3rd February 2023

    Published 03/02/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    This week we have been learning about reptiles. We had lots of fun exploring what their features are and could name lots of different types of reptiles. Talk to your grownups about what you have learnt.


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.

    Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as we will be reading with your children in school at least once a week.


    The children will be tested on their High Frequency words on Monday. Please ensure your child has practised their dictation sentence(s) too.

    Group 1

    Group 2

    Group 3



















    They do put our books away.

    Today my friend went to school near his house.

    The children had a beautiful plant.

    The parents closed the pretty door behind them.

    In English this week Bramble Class have been exploring Anna’s character in our Power of Reading book, ‘How to Find Gold’. The children could talk about what she looks like, and what her personality is like based on what we know about her in the story!

    In Willow Class the children have used their story boards to support them in writing their own adventure story about finding gold! The children had some amazing ideas and used everything that we have been learning in our writing sessions to help them in their independent work. We are really proud of their finished stories! J.

    We finished the week with an end of unit assessment in Maths to give the children an opportunity to show us their understanding of number and place value to 20. The children have worked really hard and we are really proud of their learning!

    This week in our Global Learning topic ‘Can we Sail from here to the Sea?’ took us on a walk down Mill Road to Buckden Marina. The children completed an environmental survey to think about the locality and how we feel about it. The children identified the River Great Ouse as a natural feature of the environment and we talked about how the Marina itself was made by humans in 1963 and houses over 200 boats! We will be exploring the journey of the River Great Ouse from source to sea next week and finding out if we really can sail from here to the sea!

    Thank you so much to our fantastic parent volunteers for walking down to the Marina with us and supporting us with our learning – the walk was lots of fun and the children did so well to get down and back in the time that we had!

    In Art this week we have been looking at the artist Hokusai who used a printing technique to create beautiful pictures of water. We have explored mark making to show different types of waves and have designed our own picture of water which we will be turning into a relief print next week – we are really excited to see the final outcome!

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes,
    The Year 1 Team

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  • Friday 27th January 2023

    Published 27/01/23, by Admin

    Talk homework

    This week we have been planning our adventure story to find gold! Tell your adults your story from start to finish, don’t forget the exciting details!


    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app.

    Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as we will be reading with your children in school at least once a week.


    The children will be tested on their High Frequency words on Monday. Please ensure your child has practised their dictation sentence(s) too.

    In English this week we have continued to look at our Power of Reading book ‘How to find Gold’. The children have started planning their own adventure story about finding gold. We have story mapped our adventure and the children have worked hard to retell their story orally to their friends. We are looking forward to story boarding each stage of the story next week before we write them up in neat, and create our own zigzag books for our class library!

    In Maths this week we have continued looking at numbers over 10. We have focused on place value, looking at how numbers above 10 have two digits, the first digit represents the value of 10 and the second digit represents the number of ones in the number. For example, 15 is 1 ten and 5 ones. We have looked at where these numbers sit on the number line and spent Thursday estimating where we think numbers would be placed on a blank number line. The children found this quite tricky so we are looking forward to tackling this again in our arithmetic sessions!

    In History this week we continued to look at Captain James Cook and his voyages on the HMS Endeavour. We wrote a diary entry about his travels and will continue this next week!

    In Computing this week, we have enjoyed practising our typing skills. The children worked so hard trying to use the correct fingers to press different buttons on the keyboard and enjoyed putting their new skills to practise by typing as many high frequency words as they could in 5 minutes!

    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:

    Best wishes,
    The Year 1 Team

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  • Friday 20th January 2023

    Published 20/01/23, by Admin

    Talk homework
    This week in Science we have been learning all about mammals. We have learnt that mammals vary in shape, size, in where they live and in how they live. Talk to your grown-ups about what makes a mammal, a mammal. What are they like? Where do they live? How do they live? What characteristics do they have? What are their features? Can you name a range of different mammals?
    Thank you to everyone who has been logging their reading on our new Boom Reader app! Please ensure that you are reading EVERY DAY with your child and logging it on the Boom Reader app. 
    Please make sure that you send your child into school with their reading folder every day as we will be reading with your children in school at least once a week. 
    The children will be tested on their numbers seventeen to twenty plus eleven and twelve on Monday. Please ensure your child has practised the dictation sentence too.
    In English this week we have continued to look at our Power of Reading book. The children worked in teams thinking about what we would need if we were to go on an adventure to find Gold. The children had some fantastic ideas and could tell us why they would need each of their resources to help them be successful in their adventure!   
    In Maths this week we have continued looking at numbers over 10. We have focused on place value, looking at how numbers above 10 have two digits, the first digit represents the value of 10 and the second digit represents the number of ones in the number. For example, 15 is 1 ten and 5 ones. The children have worked really hard using a range of manipulatives to show their understanding of place value and we will continue this next week. 
    In RE this week we recapped the story of Creation. The children could talk about what happened on each day and draw a picture to represent it. We look forward to creating a dance next week to develop our understanding even further!
    In Geography this week, we have been looking at atlas’ and maps to locate and name the four countries of the United Kingdom. The children enjoyed cutting up a map of the United Kingdom and re-building it by piecing the countries together to recreate our home nation!
    In History this week we have continued to learn about the life and voyages of Captain James Cook! We learned that he travelled to Tahiti to watch the Transit of Venus, then explored the Pacific Ocean, New Zealand, and Australia on his way back to the UK! We will be exploring this further next week including writing a diary entry as Captain Cook himself!
    The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year 1 Teachers:
    Best wishes,
    Miss Freeman and Willow Class

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  • Spellings w/c 16.01.23

    Published 17/01/23, by Admin

    This week's spellings are based on our Maths learning. They will be tested on Monday 23rd January.

    1. seventeen
    2. eighteen
    3. nineteen
    4. twenty
    5. eleven
    6. twelve 
    Sentence: I can count to twenty.

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