Friday 9th December 2022
Talk homework: Tell you adults all about the history of the police force and Sir Robert Peel
Spellings: age, charge, orange, huge, stage
Talk homework: Tell you adults all about the history of the police force and Sir Robert Peel
Spellings: age, charge, orange, huge, stage
Talk homework: Look around your house for everyday objects that are 3D shapes.
Spellings: badge, hedge, edge, smudge, bridge
Talk homework: Tell your adults everything you know about ducks using your best speaking voices. Remember you need to speak loudly, clearly and slowly.
Spellings: sketch, kitchen, match, watch and stretch
Talk Homework: Look around your house and see how many 2D shapes you can find.
Spellings duck, pack, sick, luck, shock.
Talk homework: Think about what a peaceful community looks like.
Spellings: theme, complete, these, extreme, even
Talk homework: Discuss with your adults the human and physical features of where you live.
Spellings: flute, tube, cute, tune, cube, rude
Talk homework: Can you create a map of your own garden using a title, key, compass points and consideration of scale?
Spellings: boat, float, oak, road, toad
Talk homework: Tell your adults all about the African Savannah and the facts you know about lions.
Spellings: glue, clue, true, rescue, blue
Remember to read every day if you can.
Talk homework: Sit with your adults and use NumBots to make sure you know how to use it and then you can practise your maths skills three times a week.
Spellings: girl, bird, dirt, firm, skirt
Remember to read at least three times a week.
Talk homework: Tell your adults all about microhabitats. Can you find some more in your garden or when you are out on a walk.
Spellings: sure, cure, treasure, mixture and pure.
Remember to read as much as you can!
Talk homework: Find out about the life of David Attenborough
Spellings: knight, bright, light, fight and sight
Talk homework: Talk to your adults about all the different words we have been using to describe our emotions.
Spellings: lawn, saw, draw, crawl, yawn
Reading: Please read your school reading book at home at least three times a week until you are reading it fluently. Your book will be changed on Tuesday and Thursday next week. Please use the Boom Reading App to record when you read with your child. If you are having trouble logging on or have misplaced/not received your login details please let us know. You can also use the Reading App to record any additional reading you are doing with your child.