Friday 23rd September 2022
Talk homework: Find out about the life of David Attenborough
Spellings: knight, bright, light, fight and sight
Emily has liked sketching snail shells this week. We looked at real shells and shaded them in dark and light ways and added patterns.
George enjoyed our vocabulary lesson on Thursday. We went outside and read out new words from our CLPE reading book. We shared the words on cards and made sure we could read them. Then we learnt what they meant and acted out their meanings.
Tilly has enjoyed learning to count in French. We are learning 1-20 and you could practise them over the weekend.
Darcey loved comparing objects in maths today and showing that she knew how to use the signs > < and =
Edie is enjoying learning some new songs in school.
Xyla now knows lots of facts about Wild Lynx. They are amazing creatures that can jump 2m up from the ground.
Cohen enjoyed finding out facts about snail in whole class reading. We know that as baby snails grow their shells grow with them.
Have a fantastic weekend
Heron Class