Friday 30th September 2022
Talk homework: Tell your adults all about microhabitats. Can you find some more in your garden or when you are out on a walk.
Spellings: sure, cure, treasure, mixture and pure.
Remember to read as much as you can!
Hayden and Tyler enjoyed practising counting in 5s in maths today. There were stickers everywhere and lots of counting could be heard!
Xyla has liked learning all about the Iberian Lynx, her favourite fact is they can jump just over 2 metres high.
Ollie has really enjoyed watching the Iberian Lynx documentary by Sir David Attenborough. We learnt that lynx live in Spain and were in a protected area to keep them safe.
In science Darcey and Eden has really liked to find out about the animals that live in microhabitats.
Archer and Cohen enjoyed maths on Thursday when we painted in our maths books to practise counting in 2s.
Luckily, Nolan enjoys watching us write the class blog and this week wanted to tell everyone, just that.
Tilly and Owen enjoys P.E. especially learning the skills and rules that are needed to play Rugby. It was fun when we passed the ball down a really long line of children.
Have a fantastic weekend
Heron Class