Friday 9th December 2022
Talk homework: Tell you adults all about the history of the police force and Sir Robert Peel
Spellings: age, charge, orange, huge, stage
This week in science we pretended that we were police officers and we needed to investigate the best way to make a fingerprint. We tested if an oily finger, a soapy or just a dry finger made the best fingerprint. To see which was the best print we sprinkled chocolate powder onto the fingerprint we made and lifted it onto our results table using a piece tape. We had a range of results and we described which was the best or worse and why. Cohen liked the maths quizzes that we did this week and we are all really trying hard in our learning in maths. Xyla has enjoyed starting to sew her bauble design in D&T using running stitch. Tyler wants to tell you all about the 3D shapes we are learning about in maths. He has learnt that they have vertices, faces and edges. Today we made cubes out of sticks (edges) and blue tac (vertices). In history, we have learnt facts about Sir Robert Peel and how he passed the Metropolitan Police Act in 1829 to ensure we have a peaceful community to live in.
Have a good weekend
Heron class