Friday 10th March 2023
Spellings: replied, relied, multiplied, fried, copied
Talk Homework: Discuss ways to look after our environments, including home and school, and how you could make a positive contribution
Spellings: replied, relied, multiplied, fried, copied
Talk Homework: Discuss ways to look after our environments, including home and school, and how you could make a positive contribution
Spellings: hiking, shining, coming, writing, loving, hoping
Talk Homework: Can you find any shapes that you can half? What would they now look like? How about a quarter of the shape?
Spellings: babies, carries, tries, lorries, cries
Talk Homework: How many different levers and sliders can you find around your home? Can you find any other mechanisms?
Spellings: celebration, station, fiction, sugar, special, sure
Talk Homework: Can you retell the story you have written to your friends and family?
Spellings: school, chorus, chemical, cheese, chef, machine
Talk to your adults about how you can help your family. Maybe talk about a responsibility that you could have.
Spellings: fly, cry, reply, try, July
Spellings: table, apple, stable, able, little, gentle
Talk Homework; Draw a picture of your garden, can you think of different adjectives or expanded noun phrases to describe it?
Spellings: treasure, measure, casual, decision, vision
Talk Homework: How many different things in your home require cleaning? Think back to our investigation... what would be the best way to remove germs or dirt?
Spellings: Steve, thief, field, theme, leek, cheek
Talk Homework: Can you make a list of all of the times you use water in one day? Can you tell your friends and family where our local water comes from?
Spellings: gentle, gem, magic, digit, giant
Talk Homework: What are you grateful for?
Spellings: age, charge, stage, huge, orange
Talk Homework: How many local landmarks do you know? Do you know any around the UK?
Spellings: badge, edge, hedge, bridge, smudge
Talk homework: Look around your house for everyday objects that are 3D shapes.