Friday 25th November 2022
Spellings: sketch, watch, kitchen, stretch, match
Talk Homework: How many 2D shapes can you name? Go exploring! What shapes can you find? Can you find any lines of symmetry around your home?
Spellings: sketch, watch, kitchen, stretch, match
Talk Homework: How many 2D shapes can you name? Go exploring! What shapes can you find? Can you find any lines of symmetry around your home?
Spellings: duck, sick, pack, luck, shock
Talk Homework: Can you retell the story of The Magic Finger so far? Can you share with your family or friends how each character felt at different points?
Spellings: these, theme, extreme, complete, even
Talk Homework: What are you grateful for? In remembrance, take time to think of those people who have fought for our freedom today. Could you draw a poppy? Lest we forget.
Spellings: tube, tune, rude, cute, flute
Talk Homework: Can you remember the words to our songs? Can you share a garden food chain with your friends and family?
Spellings: boat, float, oak, road, toad
Talk Homework: Can you create map of your own garden using a title, key, compass points and consideration of scale?
Talk Homework: Please can you collect some conkers for us to plant next week!
Spellings: glue, blue, rescue, true, clue
Talk homework: Sit with your adults and use NumBots to make sure you know how to use it and then you can practise your maths skills three times a week.
Spellings: girl, bird, dirt, firm, skirt
Remember to read at least three times a week.
Talk Homework: Can you find out any facts about David Attenborough?
Spellings: pure, cure, sure, treasure, mixture
Talk Homework: Science Recap... go on an adventure... what can you find that is dead, alive and that has never been alive?
Spellings: light, bright, knight, sight, fight
Talk homework: Talk to your adults about all the different words we have been using to describe our emotions.
Spellings: lawn, saw, draw, crawl, yawn
Reading: Please read your school reading book at home at least three times a week until you are reading it fluently. Your book will be changed on Tuesday and Thursday next week. Please use the Boom Reading App to record when you read with your child. If you are having trouble logging on or have misplaced/not received your login details please let us know. You can also use the Reading App to record any additional reading you are doing with your child.
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