Friday 10th February 2023
Spellings: celebration, station, fiction, sugar, special, sure
Talk Homework: Can you retell the story you have written to your friends and family?
Magpies have worked really hard this week, especially in their maths and reading quizzes! In English this week, we have enjoyed writing our six-part story and designing our own front covers. We have used this as an opportunity to reflect on our work... checking those capital letters and full stops! In maths, we have been dividing by 2 and dividing by 5, we have used different methods including grouping and sharing. In Geography, we have comparing Grafham Water from 1950 and 2023- we learnt that it was built because too many people in the area needed a water supply. We appreciate that this reservoir not only offers us a clean, safe source of water, but also offers habitats for wildlife and leisure activities such as bird watching, sailing and fishing. In art, we have been reflecting on famous artwork, sharing our opinions of their work and how their paintings make us feel. In computing, we have been practising our typing skills and composing an email about our favourite animal to Zara. On Tuesday, it was Safer Internet Day, we learnt how to stay safe online, ways to seek support and read about 'Hanni and the Magic Window'... ask us all about it! We have loved visiting the library and sharing our love for books together today.
Isla-Rose 'I loved geography when we learnt about Grafham'
Olivia E 'I enjoyed writing my story in English'
Ava 'I enjoyed when we were typing in computing'
Hope you have a lovely break.
Stay safe!
Miss Bennett