Friday 21st April 2023
Talk Homework: How can we reduce the amount of plastic we bring into school? Can you make any snack swaps that have no plastic?
Spellings: because, beautiful, when, where, was, here
Wow Magpies... you have been absolute superstars this week! You have all come back with a fantastic attitude to your learning and I am super proud! This week we have enjoyed researching giraffes and have produced some excellent leaflets with lots of giraffe facts! In maths, we have been learning how to tell the time including o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to... we even challenged ourselves to read 5 minute intervals. In PE, we have started our next gym unit- we were very creative when travelling along a bench! We have also had great fun starting our athletics- we showed brilliant teamwork in our relays today. In history, we started learning about workhouses, including jobs people had to do such as wood chopping, oakum, cooking and cleaning. We learnt that they had to eat gruel... it did not look appetising to us in the slightest! We also recorded the start of The Poor Law on a timeline in relation to our other units such as The Titanic and The Great Stink. In art, we reviewed some artwork describing shapes, patterns, media, characters and colour. We also practised our crosshatching technique. In RE, we learnt about Christians belief of Jesus bringing good news. We enjoyed sharing ideas about gifts from God and their importance, including our brains, nature, family, the world and water.
Happy Friday!
Miss Bennett