Friday 21st April
1.) Remember to read for 20 minutes each day and record your reading on Boom Reader.
2.) There are 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion - please complete these by next Wednesday.
3.) Revise this week's spelling words ready for a quiz on Monday: incredible, legible, horrible, responsible, terrible, forcible, visible, sensible, possible, reversible.
Lucca: I really enjoyed playing rounders in PE this week. We practised our batting and fielding skills and played a game against Wren class - which we won!
Jackson: In Maths this week we have been looking at interpreting and constucting line graphs. I found this quite easy and enjoyed it.
Leo: In English we have started our new Power of Reading book, The Song from Somewhere Else. We have been introduced to the main characters and the relationships between them. Today we wrote our own poems which reflect bullying. We had to think really carefully about our words and phrases so that our work provoked emotions in the reader.