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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Year 1

Page 3

  • Friday 17th November

    Published 17/11/23, by Hannah Murkett

    Talk Homework: Talk to your parents about animals you have learnt in French from the jungle so far. 

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  • Friday 10th November

    Published 10/11/23, by Hannah Murkett

    Talk Homework: Talk to your adults about what you like doing when you are out and about.

    Remember to log all reading onto Boomreader to collect gems.

    Spellings: shirt, twirl, stirs, first, many 


    Spellings: sir, girl, dirt, bird, Mr

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  • Friday 3rd November

    Published 03/11/23, by Susan Tarpey

    Please continue to read at least 3 times a week and log your reading on the Boomreader app.

    Spellings this week:

    toy,  boy,  is,  to,  of,     or      enjoy,  annoy,  said,  they,  of

    This week the children have started their new topic of Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Through this topic we have started to look at maps of Buckden. We have studied both google maps and OS maps, looking at what the maps show us and some of the differences between them.

    In PE the children have started Dance. Over the next half term the children will look at different modes of transport, this week they have been dancing to music, interpreting what it is like to drive a car. We have also started our new outdoor sport of Rugby. 

    In English we have started to look at poetry, especially poems about different seasons. 

    In maths the children have been adding 2 numbers together, writing their number sentences out and drawing dots or using cubes to help them add the numbers together. All the children have been superstars at this.

    During Science we went on a material hunt around the school. Children have started to identify different materials and the properties of those materials. 

    We have started a new topic in French, This half term they will be looking at jungle animals. The children know how to say elephant and lion in french.

    Talk homework - This week see if you can go on a materials hunt around your house. What materials can they name? Think about why certain items are made from particular materials?


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  • Friday 20th October

    Published 20/10/23, by Susan Tarpey

    Half-term is Here!!  

    There are no spellings this week due to half-term, but please continue to listen to your child read at least 3 times over the week.

    This week in school the children have continued their learning about senses. We have looked at different animals and the different senses they use and why. Continuing with our sense's work, the children have started to explore Autumn. They went on an autumn walk, using their senses to observe things around them and using the leaves they collected, they have also created the most beautiful leafmen.

    In English we have been exploring a  story map and have looked at descriptive words and phrases to describe the dark dark wood.

    During maths we have been finding numbers bonds to 10. We have also been reading numbers in words, thinking about which ones we can sound out and which are the tricky words!

    We have had lots of reports that the children have been sharing their fantastic french with you at home. Because of this we have attached the link to the song lyrics so that you can all sing along together! 

    The children have made a fantastic start to the school year and hope you have a good half term.

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  • Friday 13th October 2023

    Published 13/10/23, by Hannah Murkett
    Talk Homework: What is Autumn Spellings: seat, meal, flea, beach, dreams Please make sure you are logging ALL your reading on Boomreader. It is important for us to see you have been enjoying your reading at home (this does not just have to be s
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  • Friday 6th October

    Published 06/10/23, by Susan Tarpey

    This week's spellings:

    lie, dried, fries, tie, spies

    Please continue to read with your child every day, recording their reading on Boomreader. 

    This week in maths the children have been learning about part-part whole. They have done a brilliant job with this and have even learnt about the number sentence and fact family that goes along with it. 

    In English we have continued with our power of reading book - Beegu- and the children have had a go at role play. We have some fantastic actors and actresses within year 1 who really captured the feelings and emotions of the characters in the story.

    In Art, the children have had a go at using oil pastels to do an observational drawing of an orange. They paid attention to the gradual blending of colours and the details which they could see. 

    In Science we have continued to learn about our 5 senses. Next week we will be exploring taste. We would like the children to taste a few different foods, encouraging them to use vocabulary to describe what they taste like - banana, honey, pepper, lemon, carrot, salted crisps. We understand that some children may not like the taste but will still encourage them to give it a go so they can taste the difference between sweet, salty and sour. If there are any children who are allergic to these foods please can you let us know. 

    If you have any questions please email 


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  • Friday 29th September 2023

    Published 29/09/23, by Hannah Murkett

    The children will be sent home with their PE kits ready for the Park Run this Sunday. 

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  • Friday 22nd September

    Published 22/09/23, by Susan Tarpey

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • Friday 15th September 2023

    Published 15/09/23, by Hannah Murkett
    Talk Homework: Talk to your grown ups about free standing structures and identify some around your house. Reading: Please make sure you are logging ALL reading on Boom reader as we will check this daily. Spellings: Your spelling test is on a mo
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  • Friday 8th September

    Published 08/09/23, by Susan Tarpey

    Welcome to the year 1 Blog!

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