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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 3rd November

Please continue to read at least 3 times a week and log your reading on the Boomreader app.

Spellings this week:

toy,  boy,  is,  to,  of,     or      enjoy,  annoy,  said,  they,  of

This week the children have started their new topic of Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Through this topic we have started to look at maps of Buckden. We have studied both google maps and OS maps, looking at what the maps show us and some of the differences between them.

In PE the children have started Dance. Over the next half term the children will look at different modes of transport, this week they have been dancing to music, interpreting what it is like to drive a car. We have also started our new outdoor sport of Rugby. 

In English we have started to look at poetry, especially poems about different seasons. 

In maths the children have been adding 2 numbers together, writing their number sentences out and drawing dots or using cubes to help them add the numbers together. All the children have been superstars at this.

During Science we went on a material hunt around the school. Children have started to identify different materials and the properties of those materials. 

We have started a new topic in French, This half term they will be looking at jungle animals. The children know how to say elephant and lion in french.

Talk homework - This week see if you can go on a materials hunt around your house. What materials can they name? Think about why certain items are made from particular materials?


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