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In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

In the eyes of God, every child matters, every moment of every day

Friday 7th June 2024

Please log all of your reading on boomreader or in your paper copy.

Make sure you are doing your Numbots too!

Next week is our phonics screening week. This is where your child will be assessed on 40 words (20 real and 20 alien). Please see resources below to help. All children will be sitting the screening, if you want any more information please visit the government website or look at the website below:

If your child prefers enjoys using technology please use Phonics Play and select Phase 5 sounds, see link below:

This week we have finished our maths topic of money. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about money and counting money. Some students went over to our local shop whilst others had their own classroom shop.

In English we have started our final book of the year. The children have been exploring ways in which we can help our world. They have come up with extremely thoughtful ideas and understand many consequences of what will happen if we do not.

In Science we have been exploring enquiry types. This week we did sorting and classification looking at recyclable materials.

In History this week the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the difference between old and new household items. Much to the children amazement of how big old fashioned TV's and phones are compared to now days. 

If you have any queries please contact us on the Year 1 email.